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With a 'chee-hoo!' and a scream, the duo swung down the building to the garage, landing softly at the front entrance. Passer-by's looked at them oddly until they saw Nat and assumed it was Avengers business. Raiva had her back turned and walked towards the building until a man tried to get a photo with her. 

Nemesis shot out and covered Raiva's face with her own and scared the man. 

"Sorry! She doesn't like people taking photos of her." Nat apologized and the man just turned away, the Widow leading the teen into the garage.

"JARVIS, can you bring out the matte blue Corvette Stingray, please? Oh, and the matte black one too." 

"Of course, Ms. Romanoff." The AI complied and the garage lit up with multiple cars, the two preferred being highlighted underneath by individual moving platforms. 

Both moved to the front and lined up equally at the front, almost as if JARVIS knew they were going to race. Either one hopped in, Nat watching Raiva marvel at the car's integrity and feeling. 

She saw her light up as she revved the engine of the powerful car, Nat responding with her own. "Oh, it's on." Nat spoke through their linked comms and Raiva smirked. 

"Like Donkey Kong."

Her tires squealed and she shot off into the night with Nat shortly following after her. 

"Excuse you! That's cheating!" 

"I'm just getting to a robot. Calm down." She stopped at a red light and pulled up next to her. 

"Robot? You mean traffic light?" 

"No. Robot. It is a programmable machine that enforces the law. Therefore, a robot." 

"By that excuse, you could say JARVIS is a robot." 

"No. JARVIS doesn't tell me what to do. Nobody does." 

She smirked through the open window and the two waited for the light to turn green. Raiva flashed her electric eyes and it turned green sooner than it should, letting her have a slight advantage.

The two shot off, both of their engines roaring like lions. First, Raiva was in the lead until Nat split from her and took the back routes. Raiva got to the highway and zoomed ahead, almost neck and neck with Nat. But alas, she got stuck at another red robot and arrived to see Nat outside her house, leaning against the side of the black Corvette.

"The highway gets busy at this sort of time." 

"Yeah, well... I didn't know that." 

"Don't worry - you will. I will teach you everything I know about driving." 


"JARVIS, go camouflage mode on the blue Corvette." 

"As you wish, Ms. Romanoff." The car shimmered and suddenly looked like a rundown pickup truck.

"Now no-one will steal it. Or attempt to. I wouldn't want to steal that pickup truck." 

"Don't talk about my truck like that!" Raiva hugged it's hood and reflected Nat's grin on her face. 

"I have to go now, Raiva. Will I be seeing you tomorrow at work? I certainly don't have to pick you up anymore." 

"Thank God." Raiva winked as the Widow sped off in her beautiful car. *You know, if she was our age, I'd tap that.* 

*One, yes. Two, stop telling me this shit about my friends!* *Oh, and that Captain? That's America's ass right there.*

She walked into the apartment to see Eddie preparing some dinner for the both of them, a tray full of dino nuggies steaming and a pot full of Phanaeng curry bubbling away. 

"Happy birthday, Raiva." 

"Wow, you haven't called me that in a while." 

"Well, I could call you Sunshine, but that's her thing." 

He motioned over to the couch and Raiva's eyes lit up. 

"Annie!" She ran and hugged the woman she considered her mother, Anne reciprocating the love in the embrace. 

"Happy birthday, my little sunshine!" She exclaimed, picking up one of the two boxes that sat on the dining table. 

"This is from me. Mine's better than Eddie's." 

"Oh sure. We'll go with that." Eddie smirked as he sat down next to his girlfriend and previous fiancé. 

The two had a falling out when Venom first arrived, but now they were slowly working their way back towards what they both wanted - each other. Raiva was staring deeply at the boxes in her hands, hesitating. 

"What's wrong, Raiva?" Annie lightly drummed her fingers on top of the teen's hands, calming her down slightly. Eddie followed and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"It's been two years since..." She trailed off, tears pricking at her eyes. 

"Shh. We know." 

"We all know." Venom spoke after his host. "We are here for you, every step of the way. Both of you." Annie smiled softly, pressing her lips to Raiva's forehead. 

The teen inhaled deeply before opening the box Annie handed her. It held a long necklace that she knew would hang in the centre of her chest, with a small engraved pendant.

"Una Vida. Un Universo. Un Corazón." She smiled as she translated it. "One Life. One Universe. One Heart." She hugged Annie again, softening her hug as she heard a small wince. "Sorry. I'm still learning to control my strength." 

"It took Eddie forever to learn to control it. You have time, Sunshine. Take it." 

Annie planted another kiss on her forehead before Raiva switched boxes. She carefully shook the box and heard something inside. She swiftly sliced through the poor wrapping paper that was covered in sticky tape before gasping at the sight.


"It's something small, but I thought you would want to have it back since Carlton's family found out he took it from you." She pulled out the blue stuffed toy from the famous Disney movie. 

"Stitchy!" She hugged the damaged toy tightly to her face and Nemesis maneuvered around her head. 

"It was my idea. I remembered how much you loved it and how sad you were when Carlton replaced it with me." 

Her voice was gurgled but she was glad her host was happy for the first time in a while. She turned her head to look at them all, almost blinded by the amount of tears pricking her eyes.

"Thank you... Mom and Dad." Raiva began to cry happy tears and both Eddie and Annie hugged her. 

"You're our little ray of sunshine. We want you to remember that everyday, okay? Even in the darkest of our days, you always pushed away our clouded thoughts and made us happy. We couldn't have asked for a better daughter. That's why Venom and Nemesis got you a present too." 

Venom reached out a slick hand and pulled a small jewellery box from the kitchen counter.

He handed it to Raiva and she smiled softly before opening it. Inscribed on the bracelet were the words, "Their purple." 

She looked and saw that it had two special magnets on either side before looking at Eddie and Annie, both holding their wrists up and each having a band that had one magnet each. 

On either band the words, "My purple." were engraved and Raiva burst into happy tears, the five souls falling to the floor and embracing each other's love. She held out her wrist and watched the three bands click together. 

"Gotta love science."

A/N: Anybody got a purple? I got two - my best friends.

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