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Sensitive scenes coming up. You have been warned.

Raiva arrived at the secret facility inside the invisible Stingray, the garage door opening and letting her in. She sighed in relief at the sight of Nat at the door.

After JARVIS had told her the news that she'd been shot, Raiva immediately thought of the worst case scenario.

She saw the sling her shoulder was positioned in and ignored Maria behind her, simply running and hugging the Widow.

"Easy, Rai. GSW."

"Ooh, can I see?" Nat chuckled and pulled the collar of her shirt for the teen to be disappointed by a white square of gauze.

"What else did you expect?"

Nat ruffled up her hair like Steve and she growled playfully.

The garage door closed with a high-pitched squeak and the symbiotic pair groaned and stiffened at the sound.

"What's up, kiddo?" Nat placed her free hand on her shoulder.

"4000 hertz... well, hurts. 6000 hertz, death."

"Don't forget fire." Eddie spoke from next to Maria, Annie by his side.

"Eddie! Annie! You're alright!" The teen jogged over and hugged him.

"Hello, my little purple." He clicked their banded wrists together and Annie simply kissed her forehead.

"My little Sunshine. Where's the man that gifted you that amazing car?"

"He's not here, Annie. It's... complicated."

"Not at all, Miss Brock. It is quite simple - SHIELD is corrupt and has been for quite a while." Fury turned to Raiva, who was sceptical of the man at the best of times.

"Agent Brock-" "Not an agent." Annie nudged her adoptive daughter in the ribs lightly. "Sorry, carry on."

"Agent Brock, do you know who is behind all of this?" Raiva was shocked at the question, to say the least.

"Fury, you better not be suggesting what I think you are." Nat took a protective step forward, with Venom coming around Eddie's back and growling.

"What she said."

Fury nodded his head whilst Nat shook hers and Venom roared, Eddie quickly getting him under control.

"She's just a kid, Fury! For Christ's sake, she turned 18 today." "Yes, which makes her an adult. An adult capable of sharing secrets." Fury stepped towards Raiva and Nemesis tried to take control.

*Raiva, if he tries to lay a finger on you-*

*He won't get the chance.*

"What are you gonna do, old man? Shoot me?" Raiva egged the director on, a bad move on her part.

"Raiva!" Eddie fumed, still trying to keep Venom under control. After all, his baby sister resided in the rebellious teen.

"Fury, if you harm her-"

"Come on, old man! Shoot me! You can't get me to talk, so that makes me a threat! Shoot me!" She stepped towards him and his hand moved to his gun, swiftly putting it to her head.

Shouts came from Nat, Eddie and Maria, the two agents both with a gun in their hands.



"Drop it now, Fury!"

"Pull the fucking trigger! My life couldn't get any fucking worse, so pull the fucking trigger!" A single gunshot rang throughout the building, alerting agents to their position.

But no blood was spilt.

Instead, Nemesis' bulletproof skin shielded her forehead, the empty gun shell clattering to the ground.

"Raiva, honey..." Raiva turned and saw both of her adoptive parents tearing up, Eddie breathing heavily from keeping Venom under control whilst Annie held him up, struggling slightly.

"Eddie's known how long I've been suicidal. I've tried multiple times - guns, poison, even my own deadly arm. And every time, Nemesis blocks it or filters it out. I am sick and tired of this fucking planet! I don't want to be here anymore."

Raiva walked up to Annie, taking Eddie and his weight with one arm.

"Mom... take Nemesis. Please."

She held out her free hand but Annie wouldn't touch her.

"Raiva, I won't. If you break your bond with her, you will die a slow, painful death."

"That's all I want. Please."

"No!" Nat threw her gun to the ground, stomping on top of it. She stared in horror and wanted so desperately to take the teen's pain away - Raiva could see it in everyone's eyes.

"You have extraordinary abilities, Raiva. You cannot waste them away by simply giving them to your mother."

Raiva walked up to Nat and reached out a hand but the Widow wouldn't let her come close to touching her. Instead, she nodded through her eyes and Nemesis deliberately went quiet.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. Truly."

She quickly turned and delivered a roundhouse kick to her face, knocking her out instantly. Eddie quickly caught her before she hit the ground and Nemesis came forward.

"Don't worry, she is out for the count. Point me to a cell and I will stay in it."

Nat quickly led the way and Nemesis trudged behind her before being grabbed on her wrist by her brother.

"You will look after her, correct?"

"Of course, brother. Always." Venom shifted back and Eddie smiled sadly.

"That's all I needed to hear." He led a crying Annie out to the garage before turning as Nemesis chucked him Raiva's keys.

"Take it and her far away from here. Raiva... she needs time."

She gurgled and continued to follow Nat, walking to a private cell hidden from the other prisoners they were housing, not that there were many.

Nobody wanted to be subjected to the Black Widow's methods of interrogation, so most killed themselves before she got the chance.

However, this time, the assassin was on the verge of breaking down. The child she saw on the battlefield in New York was happy, cunning, witty and overly sarcastic. But this one, who had their symbiote sitting next to her against the wall... was broken.

But what scared Natasha was that she didn't know if she could be repaired.

A/N: So... I'm tossing up between skipping Winter Soldier and starting AoU but idk. I'd like to write more about Raiva's pain and anguish but that can get depressing real quick.

Never mind. I'm skipping it. Sorry not sorry.

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