Gelato, anyone?

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Raiva trundled ahead with Kara and Alex as Lena, Maggie and Sara walked slower behind, watching them converse happily with a shout of laughter every few exchanges.

"God, I'm glad she's happy." Sara sighed as she saw Kara smile at Raiva's eyes lighting up from the gelato place she loved. Alex shut off Raiva's chair and 'raced' her to the shop, cackling as Raiva had to push the wheels to get there.

"Same here." Sara smiled, pointing at an ice cream flavour for Raiva to have since the teen sucked at deciding on things. "Three scoops only, Rai." The Canary spoke motherly and caused the teen to roll her eyes.

"Here." Raiva handed the server a twenty and told him to keep the change, to which he was very happy to accept. She thanked him and made her way out with Kara holding a five scoop and Alex holding only two.

The six of them made their way down to the beach, with Kara folding Raiva's chair into the boot of the car and carrying her down to the sand, teen in one hand and ice cream in the other.

She placed her down softly and gave the childish teen a spade to dig with. She ended up digging a massive hole, deep enough for water to seep through the sand granules.

With a few grimaces, she pulled her legs into the hole and smiled at the puddle at the bottom of it. "If I can't go in the water, the water will come to me." All of the five aunts lay in a subtly-protective circle with Raiva in the middle as the teen spoke to herself, small chuckles of amusement as they watched her mind work.

After a few hours, a familiar couple passed them all, Raiva's eyes grinning and her jaw dropping.

"Is that... Raiva?!" The loving squeal trudged over and hugged her best friend.

"Hey, Chels. What's up? What's been happening?" Raiva listened intently and James sat down next to Chelsea. The five aunts watched the interaction closely, with only Kara hearing the increase in Raiva's heartbeat.

"Why aren't you in the water? You're a water baby, you little Aquarius." Chelsea's light punch to the arm was not so light any more, causing Raiva to clutch her arm.

"Raiva, my punches are never strong enough to hurt you. Tell me what's going on." Chelsea took her hand and Raiva explained what she could without spilling her secret.

"I was in a car accident... I'm a paraplegic." She lied through her teeth, but she only wanted to protect her best friend.

She pointed down to her legs and pulled away the loose clothing covering them, revealing the multiple healing cuts and gashes that she hasn't shown anyone but her aunts, sister and girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry, Rai. If I could give you my legs, I would."

"Please, keep your pasty white legs. I much prefer mine." Raiva's playful sarcasm saved her from crying, with Chelsea throwing her head back and laughing.

"You're too good for this world, broski." James smiled as the couple left. The six women stayed at that beach until the sun began to set. As it dipped closer, the five aunts surrounded Raiva to block her from the cold wind.

"Did you guys know that when we see the sun touch the horizon, it's already set?" A few light chuckles came, but Raiva didn't turn and look. She simply stared at the beautiful scenery before her.

"Only you would tell us that fact." Sara moved forward and wrapped her arms and legs around her cold niece, the others moving closer. As if she was awakened from shock, Raiva jolted.

She quickly grabbed her headphones and the aunts watched from behind. They saw her click on a playlist with a beautiful picture of Wanda that had clearly been taken professionally. Her thumb pressed shuffle and the music blared loud enough for the women around her to hear clearly.

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