Bird Man

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Raiva woke up the next day with love in her heart, the kind of day where you wake up and you are content with life. She walked down to the smell of Annie's amazing pancakes and hugged her.

"Smells good, hey Nemmy?"

"Annie's cooking is way better than Eddie's." The symbiote spoke next to her shoulder.

"Both Eddie and I have work today and so do you. By the way, is that truck yours?" She pointed out the window and Raiva nodded.

"A gift from work. Hint: It's not a truck." Raiva winked and Annie leaned back before chuckling.

She set down a plate with nine stacked pancakes, holding out an open jar of Nutella. Raiva let Nemesis take control of putting the spread onto the pancakes as she watched the news.

"It appears that Captain America and the Black Widow have dropped off the face of the Earth. The two Avengers were last seen at the super soldier's old battle grounds of Camp Lehigh before a missile hit a hidden underground bunker. The government is saying that both Captain America and the Black Widow are now deemed fugitives, asking anybody who knows of any information to come forward and speak to the correct authorities. On a separate note..." Raiva stopped listening, both to the anchor-woman and her surroundings.

"Raiva? Are you okay, sweetheart?"

Raiva ignore Annie and felt her phone vibrate in her jacket pocket. With relief, she saw that it was Nat, pulling herself back from her dangerous thoughts.

-Don't listen to the news. SHIELD's corrupt.-

Raiva couldn't believe what she was reading.

-How do you know for sure?-

-Yesterday when all those agents stepped into the elevator with you? They tried to kill Steve and he ended up smashing through the elevator. Have you not seen any news besides this morning?-

-I'm sorry I have two loving parents with one of them having an overprotective symbiote, not to mention my own.-

-Sorry. Meet me here. Come alone, probably as Nemesis.-

Raiva closed her phone and slid it back into her pocket. She felt tense, on edge.

Both Venom and Nemesis growled a low volume at the door, causing the trio of humans to tense up.

"Annie, get behind me." Eddie ushered her behind him and orders could be heard by the two hosts' enhanced senses. "Mask." "Copy." Eddie turned to Raiva and nodded.



Raiva growled the response as the two symbiotes pushed forward, the door smashing down and agents flooding the room. Venom reached out a hand and stabbed through three of them like a kebab stick, whilst Nemesis dropped a chain mace to the floorboards and slung it at the other four, piercing through their skulls and killing them instantly.

"Annie, get my keys. They're on my bedside table. Jump out the window, I'll catch you before you hit the ground. Tell the truck to drop the camouflage and drive like your life depends on it."

Annie nodded to her daughter's instructions and Venom shielded his baby sister who trudged over to the open window. She watched Annie reach one leg out of the window above and then the other.

Raiva nodded and Annie dropped, muffling her scream with the hand that didn't hold the keys and Raiva struck out a hand, guiding her to the ground. Annie nodded to tell her she was okay and Raiva heard the engine roar to life, speeding off into the distance.

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