...Never Killed Nobody

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Nat sat on the edge of her niece's bed, waiting patiently for her to change whilst she worried about her outfit.

"I don't know, Nat

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"I don't know, Nat. It doesn't feel like me. My hair's a mess, my winged liner isn't sharp as it could be-"

The hitched breath from the doorway was enough to melt all of Raiva's concerns away. Wanda fidgeted in her spot, with a scarlet dress hugging her curves whilst keeping her dignity. Her brown hair bounced off her shoulders, curled slightly but it was all she needed to capture Raiva's breath.

"You know, I can't be around you tonight if you're going to wear that. Otherwise I might die from oxygen debt." Wanda chuckled at her girlfriend's quip whilst looking her up and down.

"I guess we are both dying tonight then. You look..."

"I'd say breathtaking, but that's my opinion. It seems you've rendered the Scarlet Witch speechless. I'm truly a proud aunt." Nat joked before leaving in her own little black dress.

The couple grabbed their things from their shared bathroom and briefly kissed before heading down to the party. Music blared at a safe volume for the teen and her symbiote, whilst being soft enough for her to converse properly.

Steve asked Kara to send a blast to anyone Raiva has become friends with, with Tony eventually having to take in around 30 people, some of which he recognised their symbols on their belts, cuff links and necklaces from the birthday girl's tattoo.

Each had brought a gift for her, even though she insisted that they didn't need to. Most of Team Supergirl brought her fancy little toys of technology that Lena and Brainy had designed. Team Legends had brought little trinkets from their time travels, even bringing a whip from the Wild West.

Team Flash simply brought humane gifts of lavish jewellery and chocolates, to which Raiva was excited to eat. Team Arrow brought themselves, for they obliged to Raiva's no gift request - except for Thea. And Felicity. And Dinah. And Laurel.

After making her rounds to each group, she flopped into the couch and wrapped her arm around Wanda's waist, pulling her closer to Raiva.

"Needy, are we?"

"Is it really so bad if I want to hold my girlfriend?"

"GIRLFRIEND?! YES!" Raiva turned only to bury her head into the nape of Wanda's neck from the embarrassment that was Alex Danvers.

"Calm down, Alex." Kara scolded.

"What? Guys suck."

The comment only made Raiva laugh, her short bursts of breath tickling Wanda's neck. She giggled slightly and Raiva turned her head for the brunette to see her smile.

"You're not wrong, Alexandra." Raiva smiled. "I propose... that we play a little game!" Thor announced to the group, all of them crowding around in their beautiful gowns and suits.

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