Eight Letter Phrase

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Raiva and Kara hung their legs off the roof of the Headquarters, simply chatting for the past two hours whilst the sun set over the horizon.

They had stayed together as much as possible over the past few weeks, only leaving each other for bathroom breaks and missions, like this morning.

Kara sat in her super suit whilst Raiva was in her normal clothing, her own suit lying beneath her skin. For now, it was trying to prevent her from falling off as a sticky puddle underneath her thighs.

"Remember that time where you threw that pillow right into Alex's face?!" Raiva cackled with laughter.

"Oh, ho, ho. That was a good throw, you have to admit."

"Hey, I'm not judging your throw... but she did deserve it."

A creak hit both women's ears and they looked over the edge to see Nat standing and looking up, her head sticking out the window and a goofy grin on her face.

"Raiva... dinner's ready..." The teens eyes almost popped out in excitement and she jumped off the edge, catching herself with Nemesis and jumping through the window.

"Race ya." As Nat recognised the challenge, a red blur carried Raiva away. The speedster uncle plopped her down on a chair before serving her.

"So, what would you like?" Barry offered, making himself some dinner as well with another plate.

"One of everything." Raiva grinned and Barry whipped up two servings of everything in a flash. The two walked over to the huge dining table, seeing everyone was seated but them.

A space was open between Wanda and Nat, another between Kara and Sara. Before Raiva could blink, Barry sat in between the Super and Canary. She mentally kicked him in face and sat next to her favourite redhead, along with Wanda.

The dinner was mostly talkative, but Raiva and Wanda were silent. Nat held Raiva's hand tightly and squeezed it every now and then to make sure she was responsive. Next to Wanda was Vision, who had a constant physical connection to Wanda via a hand on her thigh.

Raiva knew instantly that Wanda was happy with Vision - she never wanted Raiva's hand on her thigh. The teen quickly scoffed down her dinner and put the plate in the sink, pulling out her headphones but hesitating, leaving them on the island countertop.

"Oh Rao." Kara murmured. She exchanged a few glances with Sara and Barry before moving to follow but Nat spoke up.

"Let her go. She needs a release, and her previous one is gone." Steve sighed in response. The group fell into silence and continued to eat.

A few minutes after they had all settled down in front of the TV, a soft voice echoed through the compound, accompanied by an ethereal echo.

(A/N: these are lyrics to Ariana Grande's ghostin)

"I know you hear me when I cry
I try to hold it in the night
While you're sleepin' next to me
But it's your arms that I need this time."

The Superfriends exchanged quick glances and they all immediately rushed upstairs. The Avengers followed closer behind, all but Wanda, who simply continued to listen to her favourite voice.

"We'll get through this, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage
But I love you, we'll get past this, I'm a girl with
A whole lot of baggage, yeah."

Wanda froze at the eight letter phrase, listening to the angelic voice soar up and down the octaves, pain and guilt flowing through her.

Upstairs, Raiva finally pulled herself away from the piano and computer, turning off the production effects. She wiped away her tears and heard the scuff of a shoe from her door frame and froze at the sight of the red microwave behind her half-sister.

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