Get This Man A Shield

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"So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?" Rhodey spoke, nervous as he watched Raiva from afar. 

"And they can clearly find us." Wanda spoke up, staring down Rhodey as she saw the glare he was giving Raiva. 

"We need all hands on deck. Where's Clint?" Bruce diverted the tension. 

"After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest." Nat answered his question, Raiva turning away to look out through the compound window at onto the open field. 

"Who's Scott?" 

"Ant-Man." Steve watched Nat walk over to Raiva, seeing her scratch at her hands whilst muttering to herself. 

"Hey. Are you okay?" 

"Why does everyone keep asking me that goddamn question?" She hissed slightly, softening it with a sigh whilst placing her head in her hands. 

"I can't be here, Nat. This... it brings back too many memories. I can't sleep, I can't eat properly." 

"Believe me, I know." Nat gestured for her to sit down, which she reluctantly accepted. 

"Raiva, look at me." The woman turned, her eyes slightly fogged as she was lost in her memories. 

"If you need to, as a last resort... turn them off." 

"I'm sorry, turn what off?" Rhodey interjected, Nat turning to give him the evil eye for eavesdropping. 

"Nothing that concerns you, Rhodes." 

Wanda slowly made her way over, hovering her hand over Raiva's and looking up at her for permission. Raiva nodded once and the witch began to circle her small fingers in her palm. 

"Please don't. Only as a last resort." Wanda pleaded, almost begging. 

"A last resort." Raiva echoed, the words ingraining in her mind. Wanda smiled softly before standing and her head tilted slightly at the man wearing leg braces. 

"Is nobody going to answer my question?" 

"I have the ability to turn my emotions on and off. My... humanity, if you will." Raiva stood and turned, seeing the slight fear in Rhodey's eyes. 

"Once I turn them off, it is very, and I mean very, hard to turn them back on. But, there is a plus side." 

"And that is...?" Rhodey continued, Steve placing a hand on Raiva's shoulder. 

"You don't have to."

"I become a ruthless, emotionless killing machine." 

"Well, we'll need that against Thanos. Turn them off." Rhodey encouraged. Steve, Nat, and Sam all immediately turned and stepped towards her. 

"Raiva, don't." Raiva clasped her hands over the noise, her mind becoming loud with conflict.

"Rai, you don't have to." She pushed further into her ears, begging for them to block out everything but they didn't obey.

"Everybody shut up!" Wanda ordered, cupping her hands on either of Raiva's hands whilst emitting small tendrils of magic. 

"Shh." The witch whispered, calming Raiva's overloading mind. She waited until she saw the steady rhythm of her breathing before pulling away her hands. 

"You're okay." Wanda brushed her hand down Raiva's arm, wanting nothing more than to be in their warm embrace. 

Instead, a cold yet familiar one wrapped around her waist. 

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