Joyride Pt.2

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Raiva jolted from the floorboards and answered her ringing phone, seeing Peter's contact.

"What's up, spidey?"

"Are you going to pick us up?" She looked at the time and saw that from her breakdown to her nap, the clock had struck three.

"I'll be there in 5." She sprinted down to the garage and opted for the large Maserati Quattroporte. She hopped in and didn't even wait for FRIDAY's countdown, the engine roaring as she screamed down the highway.

With 2 minutes to spare, she arrived at the school and the three teens jumped in, MJ in the front whilst Peter and Ned sat in the back and talked about their LEGO Hoth.

"MJ, huh?"

"Yep." The emo chick replied, slightly admiring Raiva's leather jacket and sweats.

"FRIDAY, where's the nearest KFC?"

"There is one in three rights and a left. Would you like me to take the wheel?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind." Raiva spoke, holding a Rubik's cube in her hands whilst FRIDAY controlled the wheel.

"So, who wants food?"

*I'm never one to complain about food.*

*I know. You only complain when you don't get enough.*

*Speaking of...*

"Raiva?" Peter clicked in front of her face and she startled herself back to reality.

"You talking to your parasite?" MJ grinned and Raiva looked at Peter.

"What? Nemesis is the best."

"Yeah, but she's a secret." Raiva huffed, pulling into the KFC drive-thru and paying with Tony's money since he had insisted for Peter's sake.

After they each got their food, Raiva drove them to a picnic spot up on a hill, looking slightly familiar.


"What's up, Raiva?" The AI called back from the car.

"Have I been here before?"

"I believe the AI before me, JARVIS, led you here."

"Oh." Raiva walked to the edge and hung her legs off the side of the cliff, closing her eyes and hearing the calls of whales from beneath the waves.

The area was secluded, enough for Nemesis to come out and not be judged. The symbiote sat quietly in peace with her host, swinging her legs childishly.

"What's on your mind, Nem?" Raiva asked softly.

"Well, I don't know what to do. I imprinted on Wanda but seeing the toaster with her all the time is conflicting with me."

"We can't have her back, Nemesis. She moved on."

"I call bullshit." Nemesis chortled, looking at her host closely.

"We have to move on too." Raiva sighed, taking off her leather jacket and looking at the back design. In calligraphic red stitching read the words Scarlet's Baby, which only made tears prick at her eyes. 

She stood roughly and pulled Nemesis back in, trudging to the car and throwing the jacket into the boot. She slid off her bloodied shirt and exposed her scars and bandages to the world, both MJ and Ned wincing at the sight. 

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Turn around, both of you." She ordered and the two listened, allowing her to slip on a Black Siren shirt that she bought from a gift shop. 

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