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Raiva stirred awake only to see a murky yellow in front of her vision. The warmth she fell asleep with last night, or more the ice block, was gone. She plucked the sticky note off her forehead and smiled at the words written on it.

Got a mission. Be back soon. -W xo

*What kind of mission could they possibly be at?* *I don't know, but we have to trust them. They're the Avengers.*

*Damn right they are.*

Raiva heard a soft chime before jumping up excitedly. "JARVIS! You're back!"

"Unfortunately, Miss Brock, I am not JARVIS. I am FRIDAY, Tony Stark's newest AI."

"Oh. Hi."

She was awkward around the new AI - she had become so familiar with JARVIS helping her out that she was comfortable around him.

"So, FRIDAY. Where is everyone?"

"They are currently on mission in Sokovia. If you would like to make your way to the mission room, I can patch you into their communications."

"Yeah, hold on a second." She grabbed a bag of red frogs from the lolly buffet Tony had installed.

"Patch me in." She immediately regretted it - she heard Nat's heavy breathing, almost painful. "Nat?!"

"Raiva?! Why on Earth are you here?!" "I'm not! I'm at the Tower! FRIDAY patched me in. Are you okay?!"

"I'm an ex-assassin. I think I can handle myself." Raiva jumped around on the spot, trying to rid herself of her nerves but couldn't. She thought of a plan, any plan, but only one appeared in her head.

"Sit tight. I'm on my way." Multiple protests came over but she simply muted them. She pulled out her phone to the only person quick enough to get her there. "Hey Kara, got a favour."


Raiva thanked her sister's girlfriend and let go of her arms, morphing into Nemesis and landing with a loud thud onto a Sokovian truck, squishing it's roof under her immense weight. She quickly shot out a web to skewer a few robots before resorting to her classic sword and chain mace combo.

"What did I tell you about coming here?!" Nat walked up to her and slapped her gooey face. "You go back home, right. Now."

"Soz, Auntie. No can do." She swore to herself that this would be the only time she'd betray her aunt's wishes and leapt over to a more intense fight.

She roared aloud and drew the attention of about 20 robots, all of whom seemed frightened by her appearance. They tried to scramble away but the symbiote released a bomb-like structure of webs that were connected to her, hitting the core of every robot who laid their eyes on her.

"How on Earth did you get here?!" Pietro chuckled, simply hugging his sister's crush.

"I've got other friends than you guys." She smiled at the blonde before seeing a furious Wanda.

She matched her steps, taking one back as she took one forward, up until Wanda backed her into a wall, her eyes glowing a deep scarlet.

"Nemesis." Immediately, the symbiote obeyed, removing her goo that surrounded Raiva's face. She harshly slapped Raiva's cheek. "That was for coming here."

She grabbed Raiva's cheeks before kissing her deeply, sending electricity through each other's veins. But this time, Raiva wasn't the one generating it.

"And that's for everything else." She smiled softly, only for more robots to swarm around them. One by one, some in pairs, the Avengers all crowded around a core that protruded from the centre of the church steps, Nat still glaring at Raiva for coming to the battlefield.

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