Hook, Line and Sinker?

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Raiva sat next to Nat in the Quinjet, the quietest and calmest she'd been in a year. Her leg didn't bounce, her nails were left alone - and that scared Nat.

She used to crack jokes on the group's conversations, she would do arm wrestles with Thor (and give him a run for his money), she would snack on some red frogs that were always stored in the Quinjet.

But none of that was happening today - today, Raiva was a soldier, a small part in this war to save humanity. Today, she would follow orders to the letter, act, walk and talk like a soldier, but most importantly, she was their recon man.

"Raiva, you ready to drop in?"

The teen pulled Nemesis forward and walked to the ramp, waiting patiently for it to open. As the loud beeping started, she didn't flinch like she used to. She stayed still until the ramp fully opened before diving into the water below.

It wasn't long until Nemesis leapt out of the water like a dolphin, landing smoothly and silently on the gravel road. She shimmered out of visibility and carefully climbed the salvage yard, entering through a small window that she just fit through as Raiva.

She quickly pulled Nemesis back up and crawled on the walls, only to spot their target sitting in his office. She scanned the busy yard, soldiers patrolling the area in a similar fashion to herself.

"Rai? What do you see?" Raiva quickly ducked into an empty room and responded softly.

"I've got two dozen or more guards on the lower levels, with the target in place on the upper. Do you want me to engage?"

Her last sentence was directed to her captain, to which he simply replied negatively. She waited on his command, being patient as she heard Nat and Clint's heartbeats getting closer to her.

She crawled back onto the side of the steel wall and watched the guards and monitored their shift changes. She saw Nat and Clint arrive, looking around for her before she made her face visible.

"Over here." She whispered.

The trio sat in the empty room whilst Raiva filled them in on her recon and they formulated a plan over the comms. Raiva felt a jolt of electricity shiver up her spine as the lights went out, the soldiers below shouting orders.

"You three hold. Wait for instructions."


"Because I'm in charge - I'm the captain." Nat rolled her eyes at his response which caused the slightest smirk to tweak Raiva's lips.

"There's that smile I know and love." "Oh, shut it." "If you two would stop bickering, there's some new targets."

Clint's words made Raiva's head shoot around to see a blonde man and another figure blocked by the steel walls that they were encased in.

She quickly realized that from her vantage point, she could easily make out that it was a woman. Her nails were painted a dark blue-black, in likeness to Venom's skin. Her fingers were thin and nimble, most adorned with one or multiple rings. A red dress was hidden underneath a leather jacket, but Raiva still couldn't see her face. She did, however, admire her boots.

"Damn. I need a pair of those." She whispered to herself before a big metallic robot crashed into the room, almost like an upgraded version of the ones she fought last night.

She stared at the robot's actions, his words almost putting her in a trance. For a machine, his voice was certainly charming.

"Okay. Romanoff, Brock and Barton, fan out and we'll drop in and attack. Romanoff, try to get the speedster down. Barton, get the girl." "What about me?" "You, Raiva, are staying put. We need eyes on everything."

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