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Raiva shot up at the knock at her door, stretching out Nemesis to see Peter standing with his bag ready.

"Come on, Rai. We have school."

"Parker, I've finished school twice."

"Yeah, but I need a ride." He begged with his brown puppy eyes and Raiva sighed.

"Give me five minutes."

"Thank you!" He chirped, leaving Raiva to get ready. She looked down and briefly examined her bandages, determining they were fine and slipped on a dark blue hoodie that hid her slim frame.

She stood quickly and slid down the stair rail playfully, almost running into Bucky and Sam at the bottom.

"Woah, Rai! Careful." Bucky caught her and looked at her skilfully sewn hoodie sleeve, the woman grinning cheekily.

"You're jealous."

"Yes, kill me for being jealous about not being able to sew as well as you do. It would help on so many occasions."

"Yeah, like sewing up your zipper when you leave the bar." Sam chortled and Raiva high-fived him.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you two were a couple." She smirked at their death stares, looking at each other before looking back at her.

"I don't see it."


"Raiva!" Peter called from the garage door and she quickly said goodbye to the two before walking to the door Peter held open.

"We are going to be late."

"Correction - you are going to be late. Besides, Nat's been teaching me."

"Oh no."

"Oh yeah." She grinned, climbing into the driver seat of her Corvette and sighing in elation at the hum of the engine.

"You ready, Parker?" She saw his grip on the handle above and his quick nod.

"Relax, Spidey. I'm not going to kill you."

"I bloody sure hope not." His knuckles were white and Raiva placed her hand on his.

"Peter, I promise. No harm will come to you whilst you are in my hands." He nodded slowly and his grip lessened.

"Come on, then. Let's see these skills." He grinned, finally relaxing into the comfy chair.

"Oh, you will. FRIDAY."

"On your marks..." A red light appeared next to the opening door, Raiva revving the engine and hearing Peter's heart rate increase with adrenaline.

"Set..." The light turned amber and she chuckled to herself, seeing Peter crack his knuckles playfully.

"Go!" At the green light, Raiva shot out of the building and into the traffic, weaving in and out skilfully with three minutes to get over the bridge and to Midtown High before the bell went for first period.

She took a 'wrong turn' and heard Peter beginning to stress to himself, chuckling as she neared the water.

"FRIDAY, activate Symbiote Control."

"Of course, Raiva." She closed her eyes and Peter began to worry, trying to take the wheel but it was still being handled. An indigo goo wrapped around the car, the engine humming even louder than before and backfiring in the tailpipe.

The car launched into the water, Peter starting to fret and pull out his web-shooters but the car still went. Raiva reopened her eyes and grinned wickedly at Peter, who simply punched her lightly in the shoulder.

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