Final Blow

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Nat paced around the room, wary of Raiva's panic attack last time she went into the MRI. She watched hesitantly before Lena spoke up.

"So far, you're okay. Nothing too serious, but we have to check every day. We still don't know what made you collapse. Stella seems to be reacting well to the MRI, oddly." Lena spoke through the speakers of the MRI room, the bed sliding Raiva out.

"Okay. Thanks sis." 

"Come on, I wanna show you something." Raiva stood and followed Lena out of the medical wards of the DEO, Nat standing outside with Kara and having saddened looks upon their faces. 

"What do you want to show me?" Raiva turned to Lena, the Luthor still walking away which caused her to walk faster. 

"Here." Lena pointed at the pad, asking for a handprint. Raiva placed her hand on it and it scanned briefly before glowing green, the doors opening with a hiss of compressed air.

"No fricking way."

"Yes way." Lean smiled softly as she watched Raiva walk closer and admire her work. 

"Lena, I can't accept this." 

"You have to. I'm not letting you go anywhere unprotected, not until you have Stella under control." Lena pressed a button on the tablet in her hand and Raiva waited before picking up the bracelet charm. 

"God, I love nanotech." 

"Same." Lena hugged her as she clasped the bracelet closed, the charm falling down next to the inscription on the band. Raiva brushed her hand over it soothingly, her memories flooding forth. 

"They aren't gone, Rai. They live in there." She poked at her sternum playfully, Raiva releasing a small chuckle as Lena went over the instructions on how to turn the suit on and off. 

But an alert to her phone made her face fall. 

"I... I've got to go." She stared at the alert, Nat barging in and having the same. 

"Let's go." She pulled out a set of keys and the two raced down to the garage. The engine of Nat's matte black Corvette roared as they shot out of the DEO, the Russian's control over the wheel incredible as they arrived back within thirty minutes. 

"What is it?" 

"We found Thanos." 

"Where is he?" Raiva demanded, a fury in her eyes like none before. 

"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it... Until two days ago." 

Rocket pulled up a hologram of a planet, a shockwave visibly traversing across it's surface.

 "On this planet."

"Thanos is there." Nebula murmured, her face even more emotionless than Nat's. 

"He used the stones again." Nat picked up, Raiva still pacing around the room. The Widow made her way over to her and put her hands on the shaking shoulders.

"Hey, hey, hey. I know you hate these words, but calm down." 

"I can't. He's so close, yet so far. I want to be the one to deliver the final blow." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You just got pardoned by the government. You are not killing anyone else." 

"They'll understand." Raiva shook her off, a blonde woman entering the room. 

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