Happy Birthday!

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Raiva woke up late the next day, just because she could. She only had one class that day - the biology class. She received an email from Mrs. C and sighed as she read it.

-Dear Raiva, If you don't mind, I'd love for you to come and speak to the children of the school at an assembly we will acquire for you. Please be there promptly at lunch. Kind regards, Mrs. Chelter, Head Science Teacher.-

She huffed and threw her phone across the room, only for Nemesis to reach out and grab it back. 

*We can't go throwing shit around when we need it.* Raiva sat back up and walked over to her bathroom, meeting the reflection of her symbiote in the mirror.

"I hate when you're right. Now move, I have to get ready." She watched her reflection shimmer as her symbiote removed herself from view, letting the teen get ready for her assembly.

After about 20 minutes, she finally looked at the time and saw how late she was going to be if she walked. 

"Eddie, I'm leaving!" She yelled as she grabbed her light bag and slung it over both of her shoulders - she was in speedy mode now.

She jumped out of the window and enveloped Nemesis around her before slinging her way over to the school. She kept to tall rooftops so nobody could see her and muttered to herself as she neared.

*Alright. We have to try this out.* *When you're ready, Nem.* *Now.* 

She landed on top of the school but nobody noticed her - she was invisible, even to the sunlight as she noticed she had no shadow. 

*I'm so glad you evolve everyday.* *It's a perk you get when you have a female symbiote. We have to adapt to quick changes.*

If that wasn't shown through female history, Raiva didn't know what was. 

She briefly ducked into an alleyway and pulled Nemesis back in, striding over to the school with her headphones in.

She saw Principal Dawson waiting for her behind the amphitheatre wall and nodded to her. 

"What's up, Principal D?" She pulled out one earbud and the female principal rolled her eyes.

"I've had you for eight years, and yet, you cannot address me properly. What on Earth have I taught you?" 

"Nada. And that's shown." Dawson smiled but turned as she heard Mrs. Chelter begin to introduce her star pupil.

She briefly stopped for the school bell to signal lunch and Raiva chuckled at the sound of multiple groans. 

"Alright, alright. Please welcome Raiva Brock." Raiva slowly walked up the steps and a thunderous roar came from the seniors, to which she chuckled into the microphone Mrs. Chelter had given her.

"That's my best friend!" Chelsea called out from the amphitheatre, which only made Raiva pull away the mic and cackle.

"Shut it, you. What's up, Midtown? Um, I'm not exactly sure what I was told to say." Mrs. Chelter quickly run up the stairs and whispered into her ear, "Motivational talk." *Kill me now.* *Shut it, I'm talking.*

"So, apparently I've been brought to talk to you... motivationally?" She turned and saw Mrs. Chelter give two thumbs up and more groans came from the freshman, which only made the seniors and juniors yell at them to be quiet.

"I know right? I hated it when people came to talk to us motivationally. So, just in case you didn't know me back when I did this all the first time, I was a total nerd. I got a 1599 in my SATs, only missing out on one question because of a stupid typo. I got my first job when I was a sophomore at 11 and when I graduated at 13, I got an offer to work with Dr. Bruce Banner as his assistant. Not gonna lie, pays well and the job's amazing. I work in genetics, which I love." She could see some of the kids losing focus.

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