Moved On

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Raiva woke up as the crack of dawn hit her face, the sudden flash of light making her shoot up from her spot on the floorboards. She shook her head and pulled herself up, walking to her bathroom and taking a desperately needed shower. 

As she stripped, she looked at the blood soaked bandages and peeled them off with her one arm, wishing she let Peter scrounge around for the other the day prior. She went slowly and carefully, wincing every so often as she pressed into her side trying to grab the bandage. 

She sighed in relief as the bloodied material fell into a pile around her feet. She quickly rinsed it in the shower, watching the blood drip into the water and pour down the drain. Once the bandage was clean, she stepped in underneath. 

She initially seethed at the hot water dripping into the hollow wounds but eventually became accustomed. She felt the cone-shaped wounds cup the water as she leaned against the wall, Nemesis keeping her steady by her feet. 

"Raiva?" A knock came at the door. 

"Shit." She whispered, forgetting that the bathroom was shared and that Vision was probably in the other room. "I'll be out in a sec." 

"Don't worry. Take your time." Wanda's soft voice disappeared but Raiva could hear her heartbeat resting against the door. After about 5 minutes, Raiva turned off the water and stepped out, realizing that she wouldn't be able to wrap the bandages around herself. 


"Yeah?" Her voice immediately responded. 

"Can you get Nat, please?" 

"Are you sure I can't help you-"

"Can you just get Nat?" Raiva lightly snapped, sighing to herself as blood began to soak into her towel. She waited patiently and moved back into the shower and turned on the water, helping the blood drain. 

Nat entered from Wanda's room and Raiva heard the witch's light gasp before Nat closed the door behind her. She held two bandages in hand and unfastened the first. 

"You know, you can move into the room opposite mine if Wanda and Vision are making you uncomfortable." Nat murmured whilst she worked. 

"But that's Steve's room. I can't just... up and move into it." 

"Sure you can. Steve can move into my room." Raiva chuckled lightly but grabbed her side as it pained her to laugh. 

"Oh? And how do you know that El Capitan doesn't just want to swap rooms?" Raiva wiggled her eyebrows playfully and saw Nat blush, making her giggle childishly. 

"Someone's been busy whilst I was dead." Nat's face fell slightly. 

"Too soon?" 


"Sorry." Raiva smiled weakly, sighing in relief as Nat finished with her bandages. 

"Come on, cheeky. Time to get dressed." Nat followed behind her and wrapped a clean towel around her shoulders, noticing the Widow blanket on the floor and the neatly tucked in sheets on the mattress. 

"I think these will do just fine." Raiva muttered to herself, placing an oversized Captain America and a pair of black sweats on her bed. Nat turned warily and heard a huff of defeat, turning back and giggling as Raiva had her stunted arm stuck in her head hole. 

"Come on, stupid." 

"Hey, I'm not as dumb as others." 

"That's true." Nat smiled as she watched Nemesis grow out of her stunted arm, almost a muscular indigo replica and helped correct her. 

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