hah my other x readers have semi normal chapter names

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Later that day you found out that Technoblade had actually come to Florida and you were screwed because you had to bring him to the lady at the mall whenever he showed up at the door. That's why whenever you heard a knock at the door which surprisingly there were more today than there normally would be you freaked the f*** out.

First knock at the door was Wilbur because he forgot his keys when he left the house this morning.

The next one was the mailman because sapnap had an order for a new chair in place.

Next knock at the door was again Wilbur because for some reason he's a dumbass and he wanted to scare you.

The 4th and final knock at the door was actually technoblade that time, you were surprised that dream trusted techno blade enough to let technoblade know where they lived but didn't question it too much.

When dreams saw a technoblade in the door he was confused as f*** because he didn't realize that that's what technoblade looked like.

Wilbur was the only one that realized it was technoblade and then the rest of them noticed it was technoblade after technoblade started  speaking because they could recognize his voice.

After they got it out of the way that technoblade was at the door they let him inside and then technoblade looked at you and Tommy and said
"So the lady at the mall, ready to go interrogate?"

You had to tell technoblade that you were grounded and couldn't use your phone and then Tommy had buttoned the conversation and said that he still had his phone and technoblade probably had his as well.

So without further Ado all three of you got permission from Wilbur and dream and Nick to leave and go to the mall, and  have technoblade interrogate her because technoblade had kept insisting even though Wilbur didn't really like the sound of it and dream was concerned because people in Florida are crazy.

Technoblade insisted on driving because he was the oldest so he drove you guys to the mall. Then once you guys got there you show techno blade the store and decided to walk around until you noticed the same lady going to her shift.

Technoblade walk up walked up to her holding both to you and Tommy's wrists, and started to chew her out.

"Listen lady even if you're not supposed to sell things to guys here you don't have to act like a b**** about it. You could be nice and say something like 'oh hey sorry the store doesn't let me sell this to males' but no you said something that was incredibly stupid. I wasn't there so I don't know exactly what you said but I do know that what you said offended people, and pissed off one of my favorite people and somebody that I consider a brother. So next time when you're speaking to somebody if it's clothing just be kind about it"

The lady looked very shocked looked at you guys and realized why technoblade had come up to her and said that, she seemed very offended and wanted to kick technoblade out of the store but techno had started dragging you guys off already.

Techno offered to get you guys food at one of the restaurants inside of the mall tell me gladly said yes and you said as long as he's fine with paying because neither of you brought your wallets.

Technoblade agreed got you guys food, made fun of you guys for flirting pointed out your guys' flirting and then eventually drove you guys home.

He also let you pick some music that you played in the car which apparently everybody enjoyed.

When you got back dreams seemed to worried because of how crazy people in Florida can be, but when technoblade told dream about how smoothly things went dream was very relieved and started to make cookies for everybody with Wilbur.

You are still grounded and sapnap wouldn't give you your phone back but he did agree to give it to you tomorrow.

You wanted to help with the cookies so you went over to the kitchen and asked dream and Wilbur and they agreed to let you help.

They were already almost done with the dough they had you roll out the cookies on the sheet.

You are very happy because it was your favorite type of cookie.

After you had rolled out all the cookie dough onto the sheets into little shapes you made one into a little heart and made one into a little pig and said the pig one was for technoblade and the heart one was for Tommy.

He made another one into the shape of a fish for Wilbur and you made one into the shape of a fire for sapnap.

Since dream is just a blob you decided he would get a normal cookie.

Technoblade had to go back to his hotel but would be back tomorrow to taste the cookie and then he would have to leave again because the flights he booked made it so he only had one full day in Florida.

That made you a little upset because technoblade was amazing but you got to hang out with him at all which was good enough for you.

You put the cookies in the oven and started the timer.

You grabbed a bag of crisps and sat down on the couch watching TV with Tommy while waiting for the cookies to finish.

Once they were done dream decided to get them out and put them on a cooling rack and said that you guys could all eat them tomorrow since technoblade had to leave.

You agreed hug Tommy good night and went to bed.

Today was fun.

(971 where is not including this holy s*** that is a long chapter thank you text to speech that made it so much easier to write this chapter sorry if something seems weird it's probably because of using text to speech have a good day I'll see you next chapter which will probably be today as well if I don't die of heat stroke)

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