never bring Wilbur to a fucking river

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As soon as everyone got to the river, it wasn't that far, so tubbo jumped in, tommy took off his shirt and ran in, and Wilbur-

Ate sand-

"Wilbur this- why- we don't know what's been here-"
Ranboo starts

"Sand" is Wilburs only response and he keeps eating it.

You walk into the the water and realized that no one else went in full body, because of the cold, and Ranboo hasn't even gotten in.

So you show off of course, and go completely under the water.

You stay under for a few seconds and Ranboo of course runs in the water for you.

You pop your head up again


"You scared me! And now I'm in the water and cold!" Ranboo complained.

Tommy just looks at you and smiles.

You didn't know this, but Tommy didn't worry for you only because he knew you can handle yourself, and he's also slightly scared of you.

You laugh at ranboo and just pull him under the water with you, loading his glasses and your glasses, and Tubbo and Tommy being forced to retrieve them, lucky the current was very calm at the moment.

After you lifted yourself and Ranboo up, you grabbed his mask and yours and put them next to Tommy's shirt, on a rock, to dry.

Tommy agreed not to film you guys.

For a while you forgot you where mad at him.

You and Ranboo stuck together, because you both needed to not be filmed, and because you really enjoyed each other's company.

Soon everyone tryed to swim, like, race swim, wilbur filming, and, well you lost due to being able to swim but not well at all (unless you can swim, then we say you hit a rock, and if you can't swim at all, you just sat next to Wilbur)

After a while, Tommy and Wilbur went back to the car, because Tommy hit a rock and started bleeding, not bad but enough to need antibiotics.

Tubbo was doing his own thing, and Ranboo looked at you and smirked, which confused you.

"Wanna clif dive on the cliffs on the other side of the river?"

"What?! I'll hurt myself? Isn't it deep?"

Ranboo Snickers at the deep part, dirty mind 🙄(lol).

"We'll be fine, I'm not scared of death" he responds

"Fine but you have to stay right next to me the whole time, and jump first."

"That's fine with me!"

Tubbo has started recording you guys as you swam Over to the cliffs (or ranboo helped you over there, if you can't swim)

He got up on one of the shorter cliffs, and explained how you would have to dive in.

"Don't land you your feet, it can literally brake your spine, cannonball in, after running and jumping, okay?"

You semi panicked at the spine part, but nodded.

Ranboo ran and jumped in, and then stayed where he was, so he could "catch" you.

You ran and jumped and quickly out your knees to your chest, and fell in the water.

Ranboo grabbed you and pulled you up and looked you right in the eyes

"It was fun, right?" He asked


"THAT WAS SO COOL YOU GUYS!" tubbo yelled, holding the camera.

You looked at ranboo again and gave him a kiss on the cheek and asked him to swim you both back over there (if you can swim, you just swam and told him to swim too)

Once you guys got out you all walked back the car with Wilbur and Tommy, about had gathered a bad full of sand.

Tommyinnit x masculine reader x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now