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You dragged both of the outside, tubbo staying at the table and scrolling through his phone.

"What is wrong with you two!" You demand.

They both start talking at once, and in response you say, "one person talking at a god damn time."

Tommy started before Ranboo so he went first.

"Hey, he glared at me first, I only took the challenge and started eating faster!"

Ranboo rolled his eyes.

Tommy glared at him and said, "YOUR JUST JEALOUS BOOB MAN"


"don't you fucking dare." You say before anyone could fight any more.

You look at Ranboo, at Tommy, role your eyes, grab them both by their shirts, and kiss them. Ranboo first, then Tommy.

"Neither of you have to be jealous of each other, neither of you need to fight over me, Because ik fucking poly, you dumbarses."

Ranboo stood there, confused.

Tommy smiled and hugged you, and tryed to pick you up and spin you but failed due to having noodle arms.

You both fall over due to that,and Ranboo realizes as he watchs you two laugh on the ground together.

Even though you said you where poly, even though you kissed him too, he couldn't help but feel as if it was wrong. He went inside before you and Tommy could stop him, and started to get himself ready to stream.

You tried to follow him but he locked the door. Tubbo didn't know anything either, and just chilled in the living room watching TV with Tommy.

You tryed texting him, and it took him a while to respond, but once he did he said;

"I'm just thinking."

So you sat there. You watched his stream. You where calm, you donated a small something.

"Well, Mr. "I'm just thinking", please come talk to me when your done."

He didn't have his cam on, so no one could notice his blush. He smiled and said "yeah yeah sure".

Soon after, he came running down to you. He still felt like it was wrong, be he loved you. He knew he loved you. So did Tommy.

Ranboo almost tripped into the living room where you Tommy and tubbo were, he ran over to you, picked you up, flexing on Tommy that he could, and hugged you so much you coughed a little, resulting in him putting you down on the couch.

Tubbo got up and slowly walked away without anyone noticing, letting you three have your moment.

After a lot of talking and hugs, and a few kisses, you all agreed to be a poly relationship.

About a week before Ranboo went back to the US, you all decided it was time to announce this on Twitter, seeing as the lie detector video with all three of you already half exposed you all.

You had so many laughs, but soon you also went back to the US. Distance wasn't a problem with you all though, you constantly would all call and and have the time of your lives.
What happens in the end is up to you, and, I'd like to thank you for reading.
Thank you for going on this rollercoaster with me. Thank you for reading the book that brought me comfort in some of my lowest times, I'm so sorry to say it's over now, I wish it wasn't. I wish all my fun times reading all your comments could go on forever. I grew so much over the span of the book.my art skill increased because of this. In fact, some of you and your silly comments kept me from doing something terrible to myself. I hope you all know how much you mean to me. And I hope you know I'm not quiting writing, I'll still write my other fanfictions. It's going to be weird now that this is over, weird having not having this book to write. I really don't want it to end but I honestly can't think of any way to continue it. Let's hope my emotional attachment to writing this book doesn't make me spiral down any bad paths, and I hope you all have a great great rest of whatever you're having right now. I love and appreciate all of you, goodbye. 💖

Tommyinnit x masculine reader x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now