the weird talk

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You guys where at a forest aria.

You all got out of the car and Wilbur told us we where going to a river and where all going to be swimming for it, as you and Ranboo didn't know.

Tommy dragged you behind the group with him, ranboo tryed to stay behind as well but not be to clearly listening in.

"Listen I" Tommy starts

"You what? I don't really wanna talk to you."

"Please! Just- give me a minute to explain"

"I thought you already did?"

"Listen that was a stupid reason, and a half lie"

"So your lieing to me no-"

"Please, let me talk!"


"I, I was scared. I always thought I was straight and- I was scared of, the thought of comeing out?"


"I've seen how much hate eret and minx and Niki get, I guess I was scared? Because I still get hate for supporting LTGBQIA but, being bi is a new level of hate, and I was scared of losing friends at college and scared of-"

"Tommy, I- I understand being scared but- what the hell?"

"I panicked! I swear- I just didn't know what to do"

"I'm still mad. But maybe I'll be less mad later" you say trying to figure out a response and walk forward to be next to Ranboo.

"So- he dated a girl to 'verify' he was straight even though he had feelings for you, a boy?" Ranboo says quietly as tommy passed you both and talked with tubbo and Wilbur.

"Yeah, basically. I understood the panic part though. I can forgive him I just... Need time to be mad"

Ranboo nodded.

"So how are we going to swim in normal clothes-" ranboo observed

"Well this is what I normally swim in anyway, a T-shirt and shorts, well I'm in long pants but I'm sure I could role them up"

"What about our glasses and mask-"

"Depends on how fast the current is, we just tell them not to film us if we have to take off our masks"


Tommyinnit x masculine reader x RanbooWhere stories live. Discover now