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Set in the Maze Runner au
"Hey. Are you ok, Tom?" She whispered, softly as she caressed his brown hair. He unknowingly leaned into her soothing touch and realised his head was resting on her lap.

"Does it still hurt?" She muttered, quietly as her fingers twirled strands of his hair.
He silently stared at her, mesmerised by her beautiful blue eyes as he felt himself relax in her presence.

Teresa stared back at him, searching for any injuries on his head and spotted a bruise on his temple. Maybe it was when she saw him hit his head on the ground after he injected himself. She released her fingers from his hair and lightly traced the outline of his bruise.

Thomas watched her as her dark raven hair curtained around his head and pressed a soft kiss on his bruise.
He breathed shakily, loving her warm touch as his brown eyes held a soft glimmer.
"Better?" She whispered, quietly as she softly smiled at him.

He felt heat rise in his cheeks at her actions and nodded, feeling better already. Faint memories of her and him swirled in his mind, the griever injection worked as he remembered the two of them entwining their hands on the lab tables.

Gazing into each other's eyes, not wanting to forget the other but having no choice in the end. They worked together for WICKED and both got dumped into the maze, they created.
He slowly lifted his head from her lap, her soft hand helping him as he glanced up at his friends staring at him. They were stuck in the slammer, orders by Gally and the destruction of the glade.

"What were you thinking!" Chuck shouted, angrily as he was worried about his friend as soon he saw him hit the ground. Thomas noticed Chuck, Newt and Minho were intently looking at him through the slammer door as he and Teresa were trapped inside.

He was confused on why Teresa was also stuck in the slammer with him, she didn't do anything. It was him.
"Why are you stuck here too, Teresa?" He whispered, quietly as he stared at her.

"I volunteered, Tom. I was worried about you. Gally didn't argue, he thought I had something to do with this too." She whispered back, softly as she stared back at him. She felt her heart stop in fear when she saw him inject himself and fall to the ground, her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears at the memory.

"I'm fine, Teresa. Gally shouldn't have done that. You didn't do anything." He muttered, softly as he caressed her cheek. He strangely felt the strong urge to protect her and saw her lean into his touch. Their eyes locked, burning with a unknown connection as they stared at one another.

A loud cough suddenly broke their intense staring match as their heads turned towards their amused friends.
"As much as I hate to break up this tender moment, Tommy. We have another problem at hand." Newt spoke, a frown on his face as he thought about Gally's temper.
"What's wrong, Newt?" Thomas responded, quietly as he heard the worry in Newt's voice.

"Gally's making us choose. Either be banished with you at sundown or help him." Newt answered, irritated as he thought about how ridiculous it sounded.
"Gally's got everyone convinced that your responsible for what's happened." Teresa muttered, quietly as she nervously clenched her hands.
"Well he's been right so far." Thomas whispered as his brown eyes flicked towards Teresa then to his friends.

"What are you talking about?" Minho spoke, confused as he stared at Thomas.
"I've worked for them and watched you guys in the maze." Thomas responded, his face held a serious expression as he stared at his friends. He glanced at Teresa who was silently staring at him, she also needed to know.

"You did too. We did this to them, Teresa." Thomas whispered, quietly as he stared at her.
"No....It's not true...." Teresa whispered back, softly as leaked tears streamed down her cheeks. Her blue eyes were filled with flowing tears at the truth, it was their past.

"It's ok. We're not them anymore." He muttered, softly as he gently wiped her tears with his thumb. He ran his fingers through her dark raven hair, feeling her slowly calm down. The soft strands of her hair slipped and twirled through his fingers before he softly kissed it.

Her cheeks flushed red at his actions, feeling their friends eyes on them as she stared at him.
"We'll figure it out." Thomas whispered, determinedly as he tightly gripped her hair strands. He stared back at her, not letting go of her soft hair as if it was a promise. They would be ok.

Author's Note: Please do comment what you think so far of the story. It really helps motivate me by hearing your thoughts. I'm hoping to update soon :)

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