Mark • Closet

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Previously on ''What's y/n up to?'':

y/n and  her best friend Mark went to a party together with their friend group. They often went to parties together but somehow this time was different, as Mark had recently broken up with his girlfriend. After a couple of drinks, the duo somehow ended up tangled in each others arms, acquainting their faces in a feverish manner. As our friends had never shown any sign of affection like this before despite liking each other for a long time, the situation had become quite awkward, causing them to avoid each other for the next few days. That was, until one faithfull encounter in a certain closet...

y/n was completely focused on her homework. The questions seemed more complicated than usual. She sighed and flipped the page, gnawing thoughtlessly on her pencil. 

''y/n?'' Her head shot up at the sound of her name.

''Can you please go to the janitor and get some lined paper, I'm afraid we've run out.'' The teacher asked her with a smile.

''Yes, of course!'' Happy to be able to take a break from studying, y/n got up and made her way downstairs towards the janitors office. She looked through the glass window but saw it was empty. He probably was outside or something. Luckily, Y/n knew where the papers layed so she grabbed the keys from the table and walked to the storage room herself. 

She whistled a tune as she twirled the keys around her finger. The keys jingled as she shoved them into the lock. She turned them around and pushed the door open, quickly walking inside. 

''What are you doing here?'' A male voice sounded from her left.

''Mark?'' She raised her eyebrows. ''I could ask you the same. Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?'

Mark shrugged his shoulders.

''Hmm, skipping school is nothing for you. Kinda sus if you ask me.'' y/n crossed her arms and tapped impatiently with her foot.

''Maybe I'm not the person you thought I was.'' Mark looked at her from the corners of his eyes,  lazily kicking a box with his foot.

''Now we're here...might as well seize the opportunity.'' An innocent smile appeared on y/n's face. ''Why are you avoiding me?''

Mark stepped closer to Y/n, causing her to take a step back.

''why are YOU avoiding Me?'' He returned her question, almost smiling. 

''Don't answer my question with another question.'' Y/n shook her head. ''Mark, if you regret kissing me, just say it. But I don't. I will never.''

y/n kept walking backwards until her back hit the wall. 

''The only thing I regret...'' He said with a hoarse voice, ''Is not kissing you longer.'' 

His hands snaked around her waist, his thumb grazing the bare skin between her crop top and highwaisted jeans, sending electric shocks through her body. She pressed her hands against his chest, in attempt to keep some sort of distance between them. She wasn't sure if she would be able to control herself if she felt his body against hers. She stared up at his dark eyes which softly gazed into hers. He carefully brought up his hand and brushed back her hair, causing her to melt under him. 

''Smooth.'' Y/n smirked. ''But kind of cheesy.''

Mark scoffed. 

''I know you like cheesy. All girls do.'' He smiled down upon her, his gaze flickering between her mischievous eyes and plump lips.

''Well I don't.'' 

''And yet you're here...'' He bend in closer, sliding his nose across her jaw. ''With me...'' He whispered in her ear. ''In a closet, pressed against the wall. How cheesy do you want it?''

''I'm obviously kept here against my will.'' Y/N said.

Suddenly Mark pulled away, his warmth disappearing.

''Then go.'' He smiled, confident that she was going nowhere.

Y/N leaned against the wall.

''I don't like following orders.''

''That's what I thought.'' Mark softly chuckled before taking Y/n in his arms once again.

He leaned down and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck.

''Ever since that party I can't stop thinking about you and wonder if you feel the same.'' He whispered, his breath gently hitting her skin.

''I do.'' She muttered, causing him to lift his head. 

''Wait, for real?'' He raised his eyebrow at her, a surprised expression on his face.

''Yes, of course! Are you really that blind?Who wouldn't fall for you, Mark?'' Y/N said bluntly. 

''True.'' A cocky smirk appeared on his face.

''If you smirk like that one more time, I think I'm gonna throw up.'' Y/N said, ignoring the butterflies flying around in her stomach.

''Hmm, in that case I'll try to keep it in. I don't want you to get sick.'' He mumbled with a soft smile as he leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers.

Y/N put her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer towards him. His fingers burned on the places where they touched her waist, causing her breath to become irregular. Her hands traveled to the back of his head, softly tugging at his hair strands.

''Y/n..'' He muttered as he stared at her lips. 

Y/N stretched out her neck to reach him and softly placed her lips on his. Carefully, not rushing it, he kissed  her back, matching her tempo before he took over. He softly scraped her bottom lip with his teeth, causing a her to let out a tiny gasp. Mark took this opportunity to deepen the kiss further, as he cupped her cheek for more grip.  She melted under his kiss and Mark pressed his body against her to keep her up against the wall. After what seemed like an eternity he finally pulled back for breath.

''I don't think we can be friends anymore, Mark.'' She panted, her sparkling eyes gazing into Marks.

''Why?'' He asked, full of confusion.

''Friends don't kiss like that.'' She said, an unreadable expression on her face.

Mark looked down at his feet and nodded. 

''You're right.'' He said, his eyes meeting hers before continuing.

''Then how about, we leave our friendship behind...

And continue as lovers?''


Well well well, what will y/n answer? I'll leave it up to your imagination ;)


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