Jisung • Nightmare

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Synopsis: sometimes we just don't want to fight our night demons alone. You can't sleep and decide to ask your friend if you can stay over at his place.

I gasped loudly as I opened my eyes. Shivers ran down my spine while I tried to calm myself down.

It was just a nightmare, it's not real.

My nails digged into the blanket, my eyes shakily scanning my room as if they were waiting for something scary to pop up.

Just calm down, breathe.

I shifted my eyes towards the ceiling and tried to steady my breath. In, out, in, out. I let out a deep sigh. I was really tired. The past few nights I didn't sleep very well. My mind kept being tormented by nightmares to the point I was terrified to close my eyes for even a moment.

But I was tired. I couldn't stop myself from falling asleep, causing me to float in between dreams and reality, sometimes the two worlds mixed with eachother, the results always terrifying me. I soon found myself drifting away again, falling back into my own personal hell.

Not much more than 30 minutes later, I awoke again, tears streaming down my face. I ran my hands through my hair and looked around my room, eyes shaking with fear. This couldn't go on any longer.

I slipped on my bunny slippers and wrapped my bathrobe around me. My eyes landed on a flashlight laying around on my desk and I immediately grabbed it to use it as both a lightsource and a possible weapon.

Careful to not wake up anyone in the house, I sneaked down the stairs towards the front door. I managed to open it without making too much sound  but accidently threw it shut a little too loudly. Completely frozen I listened to see if anyone had woken up but when I remained quiet I quickly ran down the lane towards my neighbours house.

He's so gonna hate me for this.

Carefully I climbed up the downspout onto the roof of the shed right next to the house. My white bunny slippers had green spots all over them cuz the roof was slightly wet and covered in green tarnish. I crumbled up and stood in front of the window of my childhood bestie, also known as the love of my life. Though he didn't know about the last part.

I carefully knocked on the window.

No reaction.

I knocked a little louder this time.

Still no reaction.

I rolled my eyes. Jisung was a heavy sleeper but still, he should've woken up by now.

I raised my fist, ready to bang it  on the window when suddenly the curtains opened and a very sleepy Jisung appeared. He opened the window and said with what almost sounded like a growl: " Jeez, you were really about to slam your fist through that window weren't you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not. I knew you'd wake up eventually."

"Yeah, yeah" Jisung said, rubbing his eyes. "Anyways, cute slippers."

I looked down at my dirty slippers in embarrasement. The bunnies looked at me with innocent eyes, almost as if they were sad I decided to bring them outside and cover them in green goo.

"Shut up." I said both to Jisung and the slippers.

Jisung scoffed. "Whatever. What are you doing here?" He looked at me with a look that demanded answers.

I sighed. How was I gonna explain this to him? Suddenly this whole thing seemed like a very stupid idea. What was I even thinking, going to a boys house in the middle of the night just because of a nightmare? What if he thought it was stupid? What if he thought I was just overreacting and being childish?

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