Mark • Finite

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Synopsis:having a heroic boyfriend sounds fun but is it really worth the sleepless nights you spend worrying about him?

Inspiration: The Amazing Spider Man (minus the stalking and SPOILER Gwen and her dad dying)

-"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"But those are the best kind."-

It was 10 pm on a school night and you were diligently working on your Sociology essay. It had to be turned in the next morning but you hadn't started until this evening. Typical you, always procrastinating to the last moment. Thankfully you were almost finished, just needed to add the sources and make it look a bit more appealing and organised.

You were lazily scrolling through the different fonts when you heard a gentle knock against you window.

You whipped your head around and smiled when you saw Mark leaning against your balcony, waving awkwardly at you.  You immediately rushed towards the window to open it for him.

"Hey." His deep voice send butterflies to your stomache as he hopped over the window frame, knocking over a plant on his way.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" He blurted out as he quickly  put the plant back.

"You could have used the door you know." You chuckled softly.

He ruffled his hair as he laughed along with you.

"Yeah I mean I could but then I'd have to talk to your dad and I don't think he likes me so...yeah." His eyes nervously shifted away from you, looking back up to see how you reacted.

"Nah, he's just a bit anti social. He really isn't  used to the fact I now interact with other males besides him and my brother." You joked.

Marks shoulders relaxed a little and he let out a chuckle as he walked closer towards you. Suddenly he tripped over, losing his balance and falling right into your arms.

He groaned in pain, resting his weight onto you and you tried your best not to collapse under it.

"Mark, what happened, are you okay?" You asked in a worried tone. You carefully put him back on his feet, leaning away from him slightly so you could inspect him.

Your eyes fell on his chest, several dark stains decorating his shirt. You opened his jacket a little further, gasping at the amount of wounds.

"Mark..." you breathed out.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." He mumbled, putting his jacket on again to hide the wounds which were obviously still bleeding.

"Mark, you are hurt. Let me help you."

"Honestly I'm fine. Never been better. Doing great, okay? It are just a few scratches." He protested.

You raised your eyebrows sceptically. "Just a few scratches? And hell is just a sauna. Atleast let me disinfect them."

You two held eyecontact for a moment, mentally debating until he sighed.

"Okay fine. Just don't freak out, okay?"

You nodded.

"Okay." He said again, sitting down on the edge of your bed.

Having a boyfriend who liked playing vigilante you were prepared for scenarios like these. You opened your drawer and took out a first aid kit which you put on the bed besides Mark.

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