Jeno • Dauntless

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Synopsis: dauntless wasn't exactly what you expected it to be. When a person gets attacked, it seems like you and one other person might be the only ones who really are brave.

Tw:assault, violence

Today was the last day.

The last day before our scores would be announced and the winner would recieve a price: To play capture the flag with real Dauntless members.

It sounded like a dream to every trainee. To finally be able to relax and have fun for a bit was just what they needed after this tough week of training. 

But the price wasn't even the biggest motivation factor to us.

It was the elimination.

The three people who came in last, would be thrown out of the faction and become factionless.

Needless to say, I was determined to not be one of those three people.

The scores so far were like this:

10. Hanna

9. Zeke

8. Jimmy

7. Casandra

6. Me, y/n

5. Jake

4. Andy

3. Tori

2. Lisa

1. Jeno

I somehow ended up somewhere in the middle of the list. We spend the past week practicing man to man fights and as my strength wasn't too spectacular, I had quite a lot of difficulties winning the fight. One time I got totally beaten up by this dude called Andy who clearly had anger issues. Not like the other ones went easy on me-

I just hoped next week we would compete in something I was better at. Otherwise I would surely be one of the people that would be eliminated.

I supressed a shiver. Being factionless. That sounded like a true nightmare.

Todays training was tough as hell, it completely exhausted me both phyiscally and mentally. I just had dinner at the cafetaria and was making my way back to the dorm when I heard someone crying.

Immediately I stopped.

The noise came from the other side of the hallway. Carefully I walked closer, making sure not to make any sound and peeked around the corner. My eyes went wide.

Three people, wearing masks were holding one of the trainees, Lisa, against the railing of the bridge. One of the masked guys seemed to be holding a knife which he held against Lisa's neck. The fear was evident in her eyes.

''Please, don't do this.'' She cried out.

''It's your fault I'm going to be factionless, BITCH.'' One of the guys yelled out harshly while shoving her against the metal fence. ''I have nothing to fear anymore.''

Three against one, how dare they.

''you- you can't kill me. They'll know it was you.'' Lisa stuttered out.

''Who will, sweetheart? There's no one around. No one will hear you scream. You're all alone.'' I  could almost hear him smiling. 

My brain went into overdrive. I tried thinking of any possible way I could help her. But I was weak and they were with three of them. One of them carried a weapon. I needed to find some sort of way to snatch the weapon out of his hands but how? And even if I had the weapon, there was no guarantee I could take them down. Besides, maybe I would get the blame. I kept thinking and  thinking but nothing came to mind. Meanwhile, the time was ticking. 

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