Jaemin • Queen B

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Synopsis: you plan everything out so you can have the best end of the year party and more importantly: become the queen of the ball. But when your prince turns out to be a fraud, you may have to rely on the flirtatious farmboy to make sure everything still goes according to plan. But at what cost? Be careful, Queen. If you don't watch out, you might fall.

You were laying on your neatly made bed, feet dangling in the air as you had your phone pressed against your ear.

''So...who is your date to the party? Is it Renjun?" You asked your best friend Anna with a teasing tone. 

Anna groaned loudly. "He still hasn't asked me, and I'm too scared to ask him! What if he says no?"

''Sweetie, he's head over heals for you, anyone can see that. I'm sure he's going to ask you very soon.'' You giggled. 

''I hope so.'' Anna replied. ''Oh by the way, are you going with Jaemin?''

You scoffed. ''Why would I want to go with that jerk? No, I'm going with Jaehyun.'' 

The end of the year party, a fancy party that couldn't be misssed. Every year there was a different dress code and a price for the best dressed couple.  This year the theme was royalty. This theme was right up your alley and when Jaehyun asked you out, you couldn't decline. With his prince like looks he was the perfect date, you were basically guaranteed to win the price. He wasn't the only one who asked you out, but since he was the perfect match to win, you thought he was the best choice. Jaemin was never one of the people who asked you out, so you wondered why Anna even mentioned him. 

''Why? I thought you wanted to go with Jaemin.'' Anna's voice sounded through the phone, interrupting your thoughts.

''Yeah, that was before I saw him with Lola. I can't go out with a guy who lets himself be seen in public with such lowlifes.'' You said, only telling her one of the many reasons. You see, you and Jaemin had what you call a difficult relationship. It was never really  clear whether you liked eachother or not. At least not to you two. You went from enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to lovers again and again. It was just as confusing as it sounds.

''I understand. Isn't she the girl who slept with three different guys while she was in a relationship with another guy?" Anna asked. 

''Four actually.'' You corrected her.

''Girl!!'' Anna exclaimed.

''Yep.'' A knock sounded on your door, followed by your mom walking in, holding your dress for tonight.

''Oh, Anna, I gotta go, see you tonight!'' You closed your phone, letting it fall beside you.

''Oh honey, you're going to love this dress.'' Your mom said as she unzipped the garment bag.



You looked in the mirror at your own reflection. The dazzling dark blue dress was an eye catcher for sure and the diamonds which adorned your neck and ears catched the light in a most beautiful way. Your hair was braided in a complicated updo, leaving the top of your head free for the crown you were determined to win. 

''Honey, the driver is waiting.'' Your mom's voice sounded from downstairs.

''Coming!'' You yelled back. 

Quickly you sprayed some perfume on your wrists, rubbing them behind your ears and off you went.

When you arrived downstairs your parents were already waiting for you with a smile.

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