Jeno • She Belongs To Me

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This imagine is once again inspired by a song, this time it's a song from the good ol' one direction. You will find out which one by reading the story~ Or maybe you already know by reading the title  ;)

Synopsis: your poor boyfriend has been having a tough time keeping all them manhoez away from you, so he decides to make it clear to the world that you're forever his.




You stepped into the shady looking room, with your best friend Jeno by your side. You looked over your shoulder to see if his dream gang, as he called them, and their girlfriends were still behind you. (a/n: feel free to imagine your friends as the dreamies their girlfriends/boyfriends ).

You looked up at Jeno's handsome face.

You still couldn't he believe he was truly yours. You had been dating for 4 years now, yet you still got butterflies every time you looked at him. Jeno caught you staring at him and gave you his signature eyesmile.

''Are you enjoying the view?" He asked while he leaned down so your faces were on the same level.

''Yes.'' You answered boldy.

He let out a loud laugh at your answer. He thought you were the cutest when you were trying to be all badass like right now.

''It surprises me you can even see it from all the way down there, shorty.'' He said as he petted your head.

''HEY!'' You yelled at him as you crossed your arms, pretending to be angry. Unfortunately this didn't do anything except make him laugh even harder.

Before you could think of a comeback, you got interrupted.

''DUDE, they got watermelon punch!'' Mark yelled out from behind you. He pushed you to the side, pulling his slightly flustered girlfriend with him towards the red bowl.

You rolled your eyes. Morkie and his watermelons...

The music was pretty loud. Somewhere in the back of the club, was a small stage on which a band was playing. ''Haechan's children'' You read on the drums. Funny. They had the same name as your friend Donghyuck. You looked around for him, wanting to tell him about the band but he was nowhere to be found. Strange.

''Y/n'' Jeno called you. ''I'm gonna go grab a drink, you want something?" His eyes sparkled as he cutely tilted his head a little, waiting for your answer.

You smiled. ''No, thank you, I'm going to the bathroom first, okay? I'll be right back!''

Jeno nodded and waved at you as he watched you disappear into the toilet. It was a long drive to this party and you drank way too much cola on your way here. Jeno had told you after 5 cans that you probably had enough but your stubborn ass refused to listen.

After you finished dumping all that cola, you made your way out of the bathroom. You looked around for a familiar face, but it was too crowded and too dark. You didn't see anyone you knew. As you made your way through the crowd you suddenly felt someone tap on your shoulder.

Thinking it was one of your friends, you excitedly turned around.

''OMG, I've been looking for you everywh-'' You suddenly stopped as you realised the person in front of you was a complete stranger.

''Wow, I've never heard that pick up line before.'' The guy said with a wink.

''E-eh, that's not what I me-'' You protested before you got cut off again.

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