Haechan • Payback

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Synopsis: what do good girls hate the most? Yes, fuckboys. Watch this good girl try to give a fuckboy a taste of his own medicine: only for it to go so horribly wrong, her  crush has to jump in to save her.

Tw:assault, crying and major cheesiness.

A few weeks ago, a new guy transfered to your school. His name was Daniel and all the girls were already swooning over him. Everywhere in the school you could hear whispers about him.

"Oh my god, isn't he the cutest?"

"His hair looks so flowy and soft..."

"Did you see him at the football field yesterday? He looked SO hot.."

You gotta admit he wasn't unattractive. He was quite handsome actually. But there was one thing that bothered you.

He kept flirting with you.

That wasn't necessarily a bad thing on it's own but you saw him flirt with a lot of other girls as well.

It made you very angry. Who did he think he was, playing around with girls hearts like this ?

So you decided to take revenge....

Flirt back with him a little, to reject him harshly in the end.

He would get what he deserved!

While you were walking to school with your friend Haechan, you explained your plan to him.

"So, what do you think ?" You asked him enthusiastically," isn't it a great idea? "

Haechan hesitantly nodded his head "I guess. It would be nice to see him humiliated like that. I'm not sure if I like the idea of you pretending to like him though... what if he gets mad at you when you reject him? It might be dangerous. "

You shrugged "meh, I'm sure I'll be fine. Besides, I have you to protect me!" You smirked while nudging his shoulder.

Haechan laughed "That's right." He then jokingly started boxing and kicking the air, which made you laugh.

"Let's start the plan at gym class today!"  


This class you had to run laps around the school.


That gave you a lot of time to get to chat (and flirt obviously ) with Daniel.

The teacher told everyone to run around and then left, clearly not caring about whether or not you actually ran the laps.

You started jogging at a relaxed tempo and very soon you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You turned around and saw it was none other than Daniel.

This was a lot easier than you thought.

"Hey" You flashed a quick smile at him.

"Wanna run together? " He asked you while giving you a wink.

"Sure!" You replied cheerfully.

You started off some small talk and after a while you two started talking about music. Country music to be specific. Turns out, Daniel loved country music.

You hated country music.

But for the sake of the plan, you pretended to love it.

You even named a few of your "favourite" songs to make yourself seem more believable.

"We seem to have a lot in common" Daniel smiled.

"Yes, I can't believe we are so similar! We must be soulmates" You answere cheesily, inwardly vomiting at your own words.

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