Xiaojun • 19th Century Ball

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Synopsis: When finally attending a ball after a long time you run into a mysterious stranger who asks you to dance.

Today was your first ball in ages and to say you were excited would be an understatement. You had caught a severe cold a few months ago which had you bedridden for an entire month, which made you miss out on a lot of balls and other social occasionas. You always complained about it to your sisters and they tried  their best to cheer you up while they sat beside you but you knew that as soon as they had left the room, they  would've already forgotten about you.

But today  was the day you could finally go again! A happy sigh escaped your lips as you dreamily stared out of the window of your room.

Maybe I'll finally find my dream prince...

At that moment your little sister busted into the room "Y/N, hurry up, we're leaving! We cannot be late, you know how strict Mrs Pimplebottom is on these matters!" She grabbed your arm and started dragging you along with her.

"I hope there will be many handsome guys" she sighed. "Y/N, do you think there will be officers?They always look so very agreeable in their uniforms. Oh I do hope we can find some entertaining company tonight!"

''I don't know, maybe.''You laughed at her enthusiasm. Normally you didn't really care about the officers much but now you would be grateful for conversation with any man that wasn't your father or brother.


It was very crowded in the ballroom and to be honest, you didn't really like it. Being in your room for an entire month made you very sensitive to all the noise around you. People were laughing and talking and music was playing. It was a lot to process.

An hour had passed since the ball started and no one had asked you to dance yet. You had already finished two cups of tea and chatted with everyone you knew. Everyone seemed to busy with themselves to introduce you to anyone. It seemed like your month long absence had made everyone forget about you.

In the distance you saw your sisters having fun on the dancefloor while you were sitting here all alone. It was hard not to feel envious.

You decided to get up and get some fresh air. However, that was easier said than done. The ballroom was packed with people and most of them weren't very willing to move aside.

You started pushing yourself through, avoiding eyecontact with the people you pushed aside.

Tears started to form in your eyes. You had been waiting to go to ball for so long but now it just sucked. It was so unfair.

You had almsot reached the door, there was just one voluminous lady in the way. You slipped past her, pushing her gently to the side.

"Goodness gracious, what is this??" she yelled out, her chest swelling like a bullfrog's. 

Clearly she misunderstood your push as a threat or something because she pushed you back roughly.

Youlost your balance and fell back on your bum. Luckily your many skirts broke your fall but needless to say your day was officially ruined.

The lady walked away angrily and you just sat on the floor with your hands in your hair, trying hard not to cry.

"Hey" a soft, low voice somewhere near you spoke.

"Are you alright? Did that lady hurt you?"

You started to mumble something about that you're fine and that he needs to mind his own business but then you suddenly feel a warm hand on your shoulder.

"Don't give me excuses, look at me"

You lifted your head and your heart skipped a beat.

You've never seen anyone like him before.

The first thing you noticed were his thick eyebrows, which made him look fierce and a bit threatening. Underneath those eyebrows were the softest, dark chocolate brown eyes you've ever seen. Never was it this easy to lose your train of thought.

When you finally take your eyes of his face you saw he was well clothed and that his brown, WayV(haha get it) hair looked really soft. Overall his appearance was very fairytale like. 

The worried crease between his eyebrows dissapeared and the corners of his mouth slowly started to point a bit upwards.

"Why are you hiding your face if you're so beautiful?" He asked, a curious twinkle in his eyes.

You felt your cheeks getting slightly red because it's been a while since someone complimented you like that. Nevermind someone this attractive.

Suddenly he chuckled. " What's the matter with you?" He asks."Did you lose your tongue when you fell down?"

Oh blimey, you thought to yourself, I haven't said anything this whole time, he must think I'm a total creep.

"A--ah-ouch." You stuttered.

He bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from laughing at you.

"Is that all you're gonna say? Wah, you're really something!" He got up and held out his hand for you. "Here, let's get you from the floor."

You put your hand in his and as soon as your fingers touched you felt a shiver going through your body.

What was that ?

He pulled you up from the ground and as you stood up you noticed he is way taller than you. For some reason this made you even more flustered. You looked at his face and saw that his smile had disappeared. He had a strange look in his eyes, something you couldn't quite put your finger on. All you know is that no one had ever looked at you like that.

Did he feel that shiver too ?

Suddenly his eyes shift away and when he looks back at you again, the strange look in his eyes is gone. "Maybe you're afraid to talk to me because we aren't that well acquainted yet. You must know that there's no better way to get to know someone than to dance with them. May I have this dance from you, Miss...?"

Suddenly you got your ability to speak back."Y/L/N, and I would love to know your name as well, Sir. ''

The mysterious man smiled "My name is Xiao Dejun, call me Mr. Xiao.

You slightly tilted your head "Alright, Mr Xiao. What a peculiar name. You're quite fascinating." 

His facial expression was neutral  but his eyes twinked playfully. It's like the stars were somehow captured in his eyes.

"So are you, Miss Y/L/N"

A silence fell between you, in which you just stared at each other, trying to figure out what the other person was thinking.

Mr Xiao was the one who broke the silence.

"You still haven't answered my question, Miss Y/L/N. Would you like to dance with me?" His eyes were smothering and it's like they're staring deeply into your soul (Oh god how much you like him already...it's seriously unhealthy).

For the first time you smiled back at him.

"I would love to."


Thank you for reading!


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