Haechan • 5am

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Summary: busy y/n doesn't have time to meet her boyfriend during the day so he comes over at night to keep the bad thoughts away.

You put down your phone on your nightstand and ran your hand through your hair. The past few nights you hadn't slept well. Your thoughts kept you awake for hours and when you finally fell asleep, your worries seeped into your dreams, causing the nights to be just as stressful as your days. You hadn't been able to see your boyfriend Hyuck for a long time, which made everything even worse. You were both really busy with life. Only at moments like these, in the middle of the night, was when you finally could meet eachother.

You heard a faint knock on your window, causing you to jump up and quickly walk towards it. There stood a big tree right in front of your window, perfect for sneaking out. And for sneaking people in, ofcourse. Your tensed shoulders relaxed a little when you saw Haechan's familiar face smiling at you through the window. Immediately you rushed towards it and unlocked it so Haechan could push it open from the outside.

"I heard my princess was feeling lonely in her tower so I came here to keep her warm." He said with his signature smirk plastered on his face, causing you to chuckle softly at his cheesiness.

He climbed through the window and clumsily fell onto your bed. You supressed a smile as you went and closed the window behind him.

"Thank you for coming." You said shyly, giving him a warm smile. You two had been together for quite a while, and been to eachothers room before, but you had never texted him in the middle of the night to come to your house like this. You didn't want to bother him, you felt like your stress was something you shouldn't dump onto him, especially at night when it was his only time to relax. But tonight you just couldn't hold it out any longer. You needed him beside you.

"Of course. It's the least I can do for you. Besides we haven't seen eachother in such a long time." Haechans soft voice was music to your ears. Your eyes travelled to his hands, suddenly feeling the urge to hold them. He followed your gaze and took the initiative to take your hand in his. He gently held it as he graced it with his thumb. "I really missed you." He mumbled before bringing your hand towards his lips and pressing a soft kiss on it.

Suddenly tears started to form in your eyes. You were overwhelmed by everything that had happened to you lately. Feeling someone caring this much about you just let everything out.

"I missed you too." You said, your voice nothing more but a faint whisper.

"How have you been?" He asked, but he didn't ask it in the way your casual friends ask or how your distant aunt asks or how your colleague asks. He asked in a way that really portrayed how much he cared about you. He asked because he truly wanted to know the answer, no matter what it was.

"Honestly..." your voice broke. "Not too well." A tear rolled down your cheek.

"Are you crying?" Haechan asked softly, his voice suddenly filled with concern as he tried to look at your face, which you attempted to hide away from him.

"Come here." He said softly, pulling you into his arms. You buried your face in his neck, tightly gripping the fabric of his shirt as you let out all the stress that had came over you in the past week. He rubbed your back as you cried quietly and told him about all the things you went through. He listened really well. When you finally finished ranting, he softly pushed you back a little so he could take a look at your face. Without saying anything, he carefully wiped your tears away. Then he gently pressed his lips onto your forehead.

"Y/n, you can tell me everything, okay? Even if you think you're overreacting or if you feel like you're a bother, tell me. Because to me you'll never be a bother. You are so precious." He softly chuckled. "Your nose has gone all red, its so cute."

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