NCT Dream × Divergent

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Sorting nct dream members into factions


Mark (candor)

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Mark (candor)

-mark seems like someone who values honesty
-and I kind of just love seeing him in black & white lol
-i can totally see him sitting there being a lawyer ohh sEggsyy
-as a hobby he would write poetry
-secretly ofcourse
-he was born in amity but transferred to candor. You can still see the amity inside him, as he always treats people respectfully.
-he has a strong sense of justice however he always tries to see both sides of the story
-"Dishonesty makes evil possible. Truth makes us inextricably."

Haechan (erudite)

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Haechan (erudite)

-we all know haechan is a genius
-so it's obvious he would be in erudite
-its no coincidence his English name is Peter 👀
-but unlike Peter, haechan was actually born in dauntless but transfered to erudite, to satisfy his hunger for knowledge
-he left the dark clothes, the eyeliner and his friends.
-he unfortunately didn't leave his temper behind
-so he gets into trouble often.
-however, his intelligence is very important to erudite so they let it slide.
-"Why the door won't open? It's cuz you typed the code in the wrong order, you dumbass, let me do it."

Jeno (dauntless)

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Jeno (dauntless)

-i feel like jeno is lowkey the only dreamie who isn't a chicken (except jaemin maybe)
-jeno was born in amity but transferred to dauntless.
-it is rare for people to transfer between these two factions, as they are complete opposites.
-however, jeno didn't want to spend the rest of his life on a farm
-he wanted to make a difference
-he wanted to live
-to fit in, he put on a cold mask and didn't talk to anyone at first, causing people to think he was a boring guy who they didn't have to worry about.
-but when he became first place in the training competitions every time, people started to take him seriously, fear him even.
-he kept on his cold facade but never hesitated to stand up for someone when they were being mistreated.
-he may look dangerous but his heart is warm.
-"dauntless is about protecting those who can't protect themselves. I don't know what the fuck you think you are doing but it's definitely not that."

Jaemin (abnegation)

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Jaemin (abnegation)

-jaemin was born in abnegation and chose to stay in abnegation.
-jaemin is someone who cares about others before caring about himself.
-he would be one of the more relaxed abnegation members
-like he would always do regular abnegation stuff as caring for the factionless and help everyone who needed help. He would work as a nurse at the hospital in erudite.
-but he would also throw random flirty compliments at people, making them often blush.
-"That grey gown looks great on you. It's beautiful yet simple, it accentuates your gorgeous features."

Renjun (amity)

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Renjun (amity)

-this plant lover would have the time of his life in amity.
-lil farmer boy renjunn 🥰
-while working he would sing to himself.
-old folk songs and sometimes he would make up his own melodies
-after the work is done, he would climb in a tree and sketch whatever he felt like.
-sometimes it was the landscape, sometimes a bird or a butterfly and sometimes he would just draw things from his imagination.
-he loved to hang out with his friends
-sometimes he would show his drawings to his friend, Jisung, who was always impressed by his artwork.
-"it are peaceful days like these that I'm the happiest."

Chenle (candor)

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Chenle (candor)

-chenle faction leader whoop whoop
-he would mainly sit in his office, ordering the faction around.
-he was raised in candor, the leadership passed down to him by his father.
-when he wasn't busy doing his work, he would call over his best employee, Mark Lee
-and they would play table football together
-mark would resist at first, saying he's busy but eventually agree to playing for just a little while.
- chenle would be highly competitive
-"Damn Mark, are you even trying?"

 - chenle would be highly competitive -"Damn Mark, are you even trying?"

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Jisung (amity)

-our baby jisung
-would definitely be in amity
-i mean
-where else would he be?
-this soft clumsy baby wouldn't be that useful on the farm
-but thankfully his fellow factionmembers are very patient with him and would remain calm even when they had to explain something to him for the 9th time.
-him and renjun would always hang out together.
-"Wahh, Renjun your drawings are really pretty. Can you try to draw me?"


That's it! I'm thinking of making a one-shot of the Jeno one as it seems interesting enough to make a story out of it.


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