Xiaojun • Le Noir

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This story is inspired by B.A.Ps song Le Noir. I recommend listening to it while reading this story.

Synopsis: picture a cafe, jazz playing in the background. Pretty lady's hanging around the necks of rich men who's pockets are bulging(with a weapon, or jewellery perhaps?). Clean, manicured hands counting dirty money as the cooks prepare dishes from the French cuisine. A life filled with extravaganza and entertainment to cover up the empty feeling business leaves behind. Would you like to try it?

Tw:violence, death. A general noir feeling, you might say.

It was a dark winter evening when she made her way through to snow. She was dressed elegantly, in a way people rarely dressed nowadays. A long, scarlet gown enveloped her body, around her shoulders loosely hung a white fur. The cold, white snow softly but mercilessly fell down onto her arms and perfectly styled hair. However, she did not let the snow rush her. Carefully and elegantly she made her way to the warm lights of a cozy looking restaurant on the corner of the street.

The door was opened for her by a waiter, who gestured her to quickly come inside.

"My husband made a reservation" her sweet yet stern voice startled the young waiter for a bit. She looked beautiful, slightly arrogant, yet small and fragile. She was quite a sight to see.

"Uhm, name?" He managed to blurt out

"Xiao" she answered with a polite smile.

The waiter quickly looked at the list on his clipboard.

"Ah yes, table for two. Follow me please." He allowed himself to let his eyes study her face one more time before he turned around and lead her to a small table in the middle of the restaurant.

"Don't you have something more...private?" The woman shot him a beautiful smile, leaving him startled once again.

"Yes, yes of course!" He lead her away from the crowd, somewhere to the back of the restaurant.

"Thank you." She smiled at him once again, and shook his hand. When he released his hand from hers, he noticed she had put a 20$ bill in his hand. He looked up in surprise.

She shot him a wink. "Please bring me a bottle of your finest red wine and two glasses."

"Ah-yes ma'am!" He quickly bowed before walking away.

As soon as the waiter was out of sight, the womans smile quickly disappeared. She put her manicured hands at the sides of her face and stared at the flickering candle in the middle of the table. Her gorgeous features looked worn out, yet they were still so elegant and ethereal. Any mans heart would've dropped at that sight. Any man would have runned to her immediately and held her in his arms before giving her a thousand kisses, to make sure she would be okay.

But at that moment, no one saw her.

She heard the waiter approach, and quickly she put on her mask again.

After he had put down the wine, he looked up at her with a look full of expectations and a little curiosity.

"Is there anything I could do for you?" His words sounded equivocal to her. But maybe she was just imagining things. It was quite later after all, and she had a tiring week.

"No, thank you." She smiled, but it didn't meet her eyes. "You can go now. I'll let you know if I change my mind."

Slightly confused and feeling rejected, the waiter left the mysterious woman alone.

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