Jaemin • Play Me

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Synopsis: sometimes jealousy keeps you from getting what you truly want. Everyone wants Na Jaemin and you're no exception. You just want nobody to know. Not even Jaemin.

You yawned right at the moment the team scored, causing you to cheer a second later than everyone else. Thankfully the rest was too immersed into the game to notice your mistake.

If there was one thing worse than playing sports, it was definitely watching sports. Unfortunately your Highschool forced everyone to watch their weekly games. It was fun for the people who cared about sports, it was fun for the cheerios who go to shake their bums to the rhythm of their own screams and it was fun for the guys who aced at sports, earning all the attention from the girls.

But for people like you, it was boring and just a complete waste of time.

Your eyes fell onto the dreamies, the so-called top of the food chain at your school.

Sometimes you wondered if your life would be more fun if you were one of them. But then you heard the stories, the rumours which were always spread about them and the cheerios, making you think it might be better to live in the shadows rather than in the spotlight  where everyone could see you.

Yet you couldn't help but be curious sometimes. Everyone, whether they admitted it or not, had secretly dreamed of being popular, to be a part of the it- gang. Even you. Not that you would ever admit it to anyone.

Your eyes scanned the field until they found the person you were looking for. He was easy to spot, his pastel pink hair standing out in the sea of brown and black. His eyes looked tense, entirely focused on the ball. When it finally came near him, he skillfully took it from the opponent, running away with it past several of his teammates, kicking it right into the goal. He burst out into an animal like scream, most of the audience joining him. The coach blew on his whistle, announcing the end of the match. The pink haired guy, known as Na Jaemin walked towards his teammates, giving them supporting pats on the back. He picked up his water bottle from the floor, drinking almost half of it at once, causing it to drip down his chin. As he finished the bottle, he ran a hand through his sweaty hair and wiped the water of his chin. A few of the cheerios called his name, causing him to look up, shooting them a wink. The cheerios erupted in happy screaming before they left the field, their ponytails somehow swaying in sync.

Another thing you would never admit:

You were hopelessly in love with Na Jaemin.


"Hey y/n, coming to the after party later tonight?"

You froze. You knew that voice out of thousands.

You turned on your heels, a fake smile plastered onto your face.

"Will you be there?" You asked in a sweet tone.

He looked as gorgeous as ever, his hair still slightly wet from the shower he just took, wearing a simple black hoodie and sweatpants.

"Ofcourse. What's a celebratory party without the teams ace?" He said with a lopsided smirk.

You scoffed. "Be careful, if you stick your head up your ass even more you might snort your brains out."

"Always a pleasure talking to you, y/n." Jaemin smiled

"Same to you, pink panther." You retorted, brushing past him.

Jaemin grabbed your wrist, yanking you back.

"Ho, ho, ho, not so fast. Come here, I want to talk to you." He said as he pinned you against the wall so you couldn't walk away.

You rolled your eyes. "I don't want to talk to you though."

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