Jaemin • Play Me Pt.2

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Surprise, surprise, here finally is part two of Play Me. Enjoy ;)

When Jaemin finally reached the bathroom y/n was just leaving it.

"Hey, y/n are you okay?" Jaemin asked, grabbing her arm to stop her from walking past him.

"Jaemin, I'm fine." She said, smiling up at him. His brows furrowed. The smile didn't meet her eyes.

"Are you sure? You suddenly ran off, I was worried about you." His eyes scanned her masked face, hoping to find his answer written on it somewhere.

"Jaemin, stop pretending you care about me and just enjoy the party. Your friends are waiting. I'm sure you can find some other drunk girl willing to make out with you." She scoffed pulling her arm out of his grip.

"Y/n, wait! You can't just walk away, you're drunk!"

She turned around on her heels.

"So what Jaemin?" She yelled out. "It's a party, isn't that what you're supposed to do? Drink until all your troubles dissappear?"

A chuckle escaped her lips.

"Guess I haven't drank enough then, since you're still here." She eyed him down before dissappearing into the crowd.

"Y/n!" He called out once more, but he knew it was useless. The music was way too loud and the crowd was too big.

He rubbed his forehead in defeat. He really didn't understand why she was acting like this.

"Heyy, dude, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Suddenly someone wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Mark." Jaemin greeted him with a forced grin.

"Yo, you have to come to the bar, they have this sick new drink, it tastes like lemon and makes your tongue green, you've got to try it out." Mark started pulling Jaemin along with him.

"Sorry but I'm not really in the mood right now." Jaemin said as he tried to free himself from Mark's grip. "Have you seen y/n, I've been looking for her everyw-"

The last part of his sentence got lost in a burst of noise coming from a few tables away from them.

Guys and girls bawled and whistled as someone climbed on top of the table.

"Dude isn't that..." Mark said slowly, unsure whether his eyes were deceiving him or not.

"Oh no..." Jaemin mumbled as he started to dig a way through the crowd.

"Excuse me- sorry- oh I'm really sorry- excuse me- I have to go through-thank you. Sorry"

He made excuses left and right, not even looking at who he was pushing away, his eyes always glued to her.

She had started dancing on the table, ocassionally making the crowd erupt in cheers.

"Y/n, what do you think you're doing?" He yelled as soon as he reached the table.

"Having fun, what else?" She replied in a flirtatious voice.

"Come on, this is so unlike you!" He scoffed.

"Well maybe, Na Jaemin, I'm not the person you think I am." She fired back.

This stinged a little because while it was true that he and y/n use to be quite close back in the days, now they barely talked anymore. Maybe she had changed. Maybe he really didn't know here.

"Y/n..."he called out her name, more gentle this time.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? She's putting on a show for us, who are we to question it?" A guy from beside Jaemin said to him.

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