Chenle • Wall

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Synopsis: Two old friends reconnect at an unlikely place aka detention class. Together they escape from the mean teacher and spend their time doing something more fun instead: Play basketball!

''Miss y/n, if I see you talking to Mr Lee one more time there will be consequences!''

I whipped my head back away from the annoying boy towards my equally annoying teacher.

''Sir, he's bothering me! Am I just supposed to let him?'' I reply, trying my best not to raise my voice.

The teacher sighed. ''Yes, Miss y/n. It's already hard for me to deal with one misbehaving student, let alone two.''

And how is that my problem? 

The teacher turned back towards the blackboard and continued writing down the grammar of today's lesson. I shook my head, trying to regain focus.

Suddenly I felt someone poke a pencil in my back.

Wasting no time I immediately turned around and yanked the pencil out of the slightly shocked Haechans hand.

''Will you quit bothering me?" I hissed angrily, making the boy hold up his hands in defense.

"y/n!'' The teacher yelled out. I flinched slightly at his loud voice.

''Yes, Sir?" I replied calmly.

''It seems you still don't get it. Maybe some extra hours at school will help. Go to Mrs. Buttons classroom at 4 pm, there you will stay for two hours together with other delinquents so you can overthink your actions.'' He said sternly, his eyes looking at me with that typical, idiotic, angry look only teachers can fully master.

Delinquents?? Pfft. This man sure knows how to overreact.

''Why am I the only one getting punished? What about Haechan? This is outrageous, it's unfair!'' I protested.

''Get out of my class, y/n.'' The teacher sighed.


'''Get out of my class!!'' He suddenly screamed out, causing me to flinch.

''Alright, Jeez, no need to yell.'' I mumbled as I started gathering my things.

The class was dead silent as I walked out of it. They were all too stunned to speak. When the door closed behind me with a quiet click, I let out a sigh.

''Well, that could've been worse.'' I mumbled to myself.




4 pm. I stood in front of the door towards Mrs. Buttons classroom. A slight sense of danger crept up on me. I never got detention from Mrs. Buttons before. But I had heard the stories. Only the worst, most misbehaving students got sent to her. I wondered why they sent me here. After all, I didn't even do something that bad.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I expected it to be a noisy mess inside but what I saw was even more terrifying. Everyone was sitting quietly where they had to sit. No one was doing anything, they were all just staring into nothingness. At the front sat an old lady wearing a hideous purple fluffy sweater dress. She was typing diligently on her laptop. Next to her layed a stack of what I assumed were confiscated items. It was a fine collection with an interesting variety of items ranging from packs of gum, half-full bottles of soda and jojo's to butterfly knives, lighters and a suspicious looking bag with some kind of powder in it.

The old lady, who I assumed was Mrs. Buttons, looked up from her laptop. Her lips pulled up in a thin smile which was so fake Kim Kardashians ass seemed more real next to it.

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