Jaehyun • Promise

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Synopsis: they were star-crossed lovers, they were never supposed to meet. And now they had to part ways.

A/n: I recommend listening to some dramatic string music as you read this story to really get the full dramatic experience.

tw:very melodramatic and cheesy




The evening summer breeze caused your long white dress to flutter in the wind. The strong, salty sea smell made your eyes a little teary. But that was not the only reason.

''Why...'' You muttered.

''Why must you go ?" You let out a sigh.

Longingly you stretched out your hand towards the setting sun. You wished you could stop it from setting, that you could stop time so tomorrow would never come, just so you could stay with him a little longer.

''You know why.'' A gentle, warm voice spoke from behind you.

Quickly you turned around, almost tripping over your long skirt in the process.

''Jaehyun!'' You gasped as you ran towards him into his arms.

''How did you know I was here ?" You whispered.

Your eyes met his and you couldn't help but be mesmerised by his beauty. Even in his simple sailor clothes, he still looked like an expensive man. You were sure he was the long lost son of some king of a faraway country because someone with looks like these couldn't be someone of no importance. Of course he had always been important you, but that was different.

Jaehyun lightly stroked your cheek with his thumb.

''I know you longer than today.'' He said with a small smile.

''But will you still know me tomorrow?'' You mumbled as you pressed your face against his chest, trying to hide your tears.

Jaehyun pulled you even closer and slowly lifted your chin with one finger.

''Y/N.'' He whispered as he softly brushed your lips with his index finger.

''Even if I forget everything, if I forget where I'm from and who I am, I'll always remember you. Your name is engraved into my soul like no one else's. I may have to leave you tomorrow in person, but I'll never leave you in here.'' Softy he pressed his warm hand on your chest.

''I wish we could just stay here, together.' you sighed.

''Me too, love. But I have to make money so I can take care of us. And nowadays the only place where they offer a job is on a ship. We have no choice.'' Jaehyun told you once again.

''We could run away...'' you mumbled while running your fingers up and down his muscular arms.

''You know that's a bad idea.'' Jaehyun reminded you.

You sighed once more.

''Y/N'' Jaehyun softly called your name.

''Wait for me,'' He looked down at you with hopeful, almost begging eyes.

''Wait for me'' He continued, ''When I come back, I'll build us a house. I'll give you a new dress, one which doesn't have holes, and I'll give you shoes.I'll even give you a turntable like you always wanted. I'll give you everything.''

You smiled at him ''Jaehyun, you don't have to give me anything. I'd rather have you here than any of those things.''

Jaehyun shook his head.

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