Jaemin • Bubble Gum & Bathroom Kisses

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Synopsis: you're a new student who quickly finds Jaemin as her new, unique (boy)friend and he has some raspberrypink bubble gum related problems you gotta solve.

Tw: Mentioning of bullying (but nothing too serious) and bathrooms(they are scary). A little bit of a crack fic lol.

"This is Y/N, your new classmate! I hope you will all take good care of her. Is there anyone who wants to show her around school and help her find her classes ?" Your new teacher asked.

Nervously you looked around the class.

What if no one wanted to be your friend?

This was the first time you transfered schools and you obviously were quite anxious about it.

"Me! I'll show her around !" A boy with pink hair who was sitting alone at the back of the class enthusiastically put his hand in the air.

"That's very nice of you Jaemin." the teacher smiled. The teacher gestured you to take place on the empty seat beside Jaemin and you nervously walked towards it.

You sat down and tried not to look at the handsome pink haired boy. You were always shy around boys, especially if they were cute.

And this one, was beyond cute.

"Pssst, hey" You heard Jaemin whisper loudly, while poking your arm.

Shyly you looked at him "What?"

He wiggled his eyebrows and said with a very low and strange voice:"hellooOooO"

You giggled at him.

This boy was really strange but somehow he made you feel at ease. If he wasn't afraid to be himself, why should you?

"Heyheyhey." You said back while winking dramatically.

"Ohhhh, I like youuuuu" Jaemin answered while making a strange waving gesture with his hand, which made you laugh even harder.

"Y/N?" The teacher said, one eyebrow raised warningly.

Quickly you apologised and looked back down at your table.

After a few minutes, you felt Jaemin bumping his knee against yours repeatedly to get your attention.

You looked at him and he gestured you to look under the table. You saw he was holding a packet of pink bubble gum,  one of your favourites. It tasted like raspberries and it was known for the big bubbles you could make with it.

Jaemin held out his hand, gesturing you to take one. You gratefully took one and gave him a smile as a thank you. You put it in your mouth and soon you two were both competing for who could blow the biggest bubble without the teacher noticing.

You were quite good but Jaemin was an expert. At one point the bubble was almost bigger than his head. You looked at him with your eyes widened, anxiously waiting for the bubble to pop.

It grew and it grew and it grew until...

"JAEMIN!"the teacher yelled.

Jaemin jumped up, startled by the sudden screaming. The bubble popped, covering  his entire face in bubble gum. You tried your hardest to contain your laughter while he made two holes for his eyes so he could see.

Half of the class was laughing their ass off, the other half just looked at him in disgust.

"You know you're not allowed to eat in class, Jaemin ! Get out of the class, now! You're getting a detention !"

Jaemin got up and started walking towards the door, but some guy stuck out his foot which caused him to trip. Luckily he didn't fall on the floor. Jaemin laughed evily at the guy and stuck out his tongue. But he was so busy doing that, he didn't look where he was going and he walked straight into the wall.

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