Ten • Fate

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Synopsis: You find out your connection with nature might have a more complicated reason than you thought when you meet a certain creature in the woods. He seems strangely familiar, but how come you can't remember anything about him?

Tw:mentioning of death, violence

It was a warm summer evening and you were on a school camp together with your classmates. You actually didn't like camping that much (especially when it's with your loud and annoying classmates). You had just finished dinner and now everyone was going to play a game around the campfire, but you weren't really in the mood.

So you decided to take a walk.

The forest was beautiful here, you loved walking around in it and gently touching the leaves of plants as you walked by. Lovely purple and white flowers grew all through the forest, spreading a delicious odor. Sometimes you stopped to take a picture if you thought the plant was just too beautiful to simply walk past it.

You always felt connected with nature. Ever since you were little you loved playing inside the woods and the meadows near your houseb. Nowadays you didn't really have the time anymore because you were so busy with school. High school really wasn't as great as you thought it would be.

You just found a a patch of moss with grass that looked super soft and you decided to maybe take a little nap on it, when you heard someone scream . You walked towards to direction where you heard the scream coming from and saw some guys from your class, sitting in a tree. They were shaking the branches roughly. You heard a snapping sound and saw them savagely ripping of an entire branch.

Some people may think you're overreacting but you couldn't just watch. You didn't understand why people always felt the need to destroy things without any reason.

"Hey!" You yelled up at them. "What do you think you're doing? Get out of that tree, now!"

The guys just laughed at you.

"Yo chicka who do you think you are? Mind your own business!"

Angrily you walked towards the tree.

"I'm warning you. Get. Out."

That made the guys laugh even harder (one of them almost fell out of the tree because he was laughing so hard). All of this was making you very angry. You picked up a twig from the ground, nothing too big, but just big enough to hurt a little, and threw it at one of the guys. It hit him right on his arm, making his laughter falter. 

Slowly he began climbing out of the tree, the others quietly following after him.

You blew out the breath you were holding.
"That's right, you should hav-"

The biggest guy cut you off by saying: "You seriously think we're letting us be intimidated by a little girl like you? Pathetic!"

You scoffed. ''Pathetic? Oh really now, who's pathetic here?''

Suddenly his fist came towards your face at a rapid pace. You blocked him just in time but before you knew it one of the other guys tackled you and you were on the ground.

"Three guys against one so-called ''little girl''? That's what I call pathetic. " you spat out.

"Someone make her shut her cakehole" said a guy who had been standing at the back the whole time. The big guy lifted his boot and your eyes grew wide. You tried to roll away but it was no use. A dull pain spread through the back of your head and slowly everything turned black.


"Wake up"



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