Renjun • Snacks

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Synopsis: tough love turned sweet, who doesn't like it? From text to real life, these two lovers sure know how to flirt.



Just laying in bed hbu


Thought I was gonna be productive
Today but I'm just not feeling it oof

You're a lazy bitch wbk 😔

Says the person who got up at 1pm

That's cuz I went to bed at 5 am

You really need to fix your sleep schedule

Kinda hard if you have to work at night 🙃

Oh fuck sorry

It's okay, I'm used to you having the memory of a goldfish 🐠


I feel like I should be offended but You're kinda right yEET

Can't argue with facts am I right



I'm bored:(

I don't care


Just go to sleep y/n

But I can't:(

Just count sheep or something

You know that doesn't work for shit

Again, I don't care

Well jeez no need to be so rude 😘💩

Well jeez no need to be so annoying 😍💋

should I stay in bed or get out of it?


How is that even possible

Simple, you get out of your bed
And get into mine



What What

What What What

Did you just👀

Did I 👀

Omg you did



Make me

You did not just say that

You're right, I typed it

Stop making me horny with your annoying sassy ass

Thought you weren't into asses
But honestly I understand if you changed your mind after meeting The Gangster Cake

What cake
You have 0 cake

You make me want to do
Bad things to you

Like what 😏

Break your fucking neck

Ohh kinky

Do you ever shut up

No ❤



So, wanna come over or nah?

Yes 🥺

Yay :))

Bring snacks or I'll strangle you >:(

Bring cuddles or ill strangle you >:((


You quickly jumped out of bed and threw on a jacket and some shoes. You grabbed your wallet of the table and carefully sneaked outside, making sure you would make a stop at the 7/11 store on your way to Renjuns House.

Meanwhile, Renjun couldn't help but smile at his screen, loving the playful banter between him and y/n. He scrolled back to reread their conversation again, softly giggling to himself as he imagine the way she looked while texting him. Would she be smiling at her screen like crazy just like him?


You kicked off your shoes after letting yourself in. Renjun gave you the keys to his house not too long ago, it was easier for the both of you.

Quickly you made your way up the stairs, tightly gripping the plastic bag with your fingers. When you reached his door, you didn't hesitate to wack it open.

"Waddup bitch" you said dramatically as you entered the room.

"Missed you too" Renjun answered without looking up from his phone.

You threw the bag onto his lap, making him look at it, his face immediately lighting up.

"You brought snacks?" He asked as he stared at them one by one, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Ofcourse I did. You know me." You showed him a beaming smile as you plopped down onto the bed. "I couldn't find your favourite, so I got some other ones, I hope you like them."

"You did bring my favourite though." He said as he nibbled on a chocolate chip cookie.

You raised your brows. "Really? I didn't know you were into chocolate chip cookies lately."

He chuckled and swallowed the last bit of his cookie. He looked down at his bedsheets before looking up at you again with a lopsided smirk.

"I'm not. You're my favourite snack." He winked, causing you to let out a dramatic gasp.

"Dear Sir, how could you make such a scandalous comment?" You jokingly said in a posh accent.

His melodic laugh sounded through the room as he pulled you closer to him, engulfing you into a hug.

"I really missed you, y/n" He softly whispered in your ear, his thumb rubbing circles on your lower back.

"Missed you too, Renjunnie" you mumbled sleepily as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.


Thank you for reading!


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