Jeno • At Long Last Love Has Arrived

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Synopsis: Have you always wondered what it's like to be a boomer? Well look no further! In this short story you will experience just how boomers experienced the world when they were around your age!

This story takes place in the 60s, it's summer and that's all you need to know . Also you can sing well in this story so if you can sing well irl congrats this is super relatable for you, if you can't sing irl congrats you now get to imagine what your life would be like if you could!

Disclaimer: I am not a boomer and can therefore not guarantee an accurate representation of boomer life in the 60s. Also this story is a tiny bit cringe but that's intentional as that's just the way people talk in old movies kay  so be prepared.


The sun shined down upon Deborah and her girl friends as they calmly walked from the hotel onto the beach.

"Oh, I just cant wait to put my feet into the water! I really need some refreshment." Elizabeth exclaimed.

"Alright Liz, but I surely won't join you. The salt in the water dries out my skin, besides I could use a bit of a tan, look how pale I am!" Margaret held out her arm.

"Why do you even care about that?" Elizabeth wondered quietly, but just loud enough for Deborah to hear.

"No worries Lizzie, I'll join you!" She said, cheering her up successfully.

"Yayy!" Lizzie hooked her arm with Deborahs and together they walked off into the ocean, leaving Margaret alone with the bags and towels.


After half an hour of playing around in the water they made their way back to do some sunbathing.

Margaret was laying down on a towel and reading some fashion magazine. As she was the richest out of the three of them, she could easily afford all types of clothing. Not that Elizabeth and Deborah were poor. They just had to be a little more careful with their money.

"I'm hungry" Elizabeth yawned as she let herself fall into the sand.

"Lizzie! Where are your manners?" Margaret exclaimed.

Elizabeth ignored her.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" She continued.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but, we're one person short for our volleyball game, since one of our players injured himself. Would one of you like to join us?" A guy with black hair and a toothy grin suddenly stood beside them, making Margaret shut her mouth.

"A volleyball game? That's ridi-" She began.

"Sounds fun, count me in!" Lizzie talked over her.

His grin became a little wider. "Awesome! Are you any good?"

Lizzie got up and brushed some sand off her.

"Used to play for the girls team at my honetown." She held her hand above her eyes to block out the sun. "We've never lost a match."

He let out a whistle, making Margaret frown.

"Alright, let's see what you got." He said, leading her to the volleyball place.

"Typical Liz, always going after boys." Margaret scoffed, dissapearing behind her magazine again.

"Just let her be." Deborah protested weakly, not in the mood for a discussion.

"If she continues like this, she'll end up poor and homeless." Margaret continued.

"Now, now, I'm sure it won't escalate that much, Mar." Deborah tried to calm her down.

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