Taeyong • Talk To Me

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Synopsis: when a lions precious lioness gets attacked, he is bound to want revenge. But lioness knows even a lion can't defeat a group of hyenas. Maybe lioness needs him with her more than for him to avenge her.

Tw: Dark themes such as assault, violence, blood, etc. (but its kinda fluffy actually)

I held my hand against the wall for support as I slowly limped up the stairs. The faint sound of blood dripping on the floor was the only noise present in this dark night. I groaned in pain as I tried to take out my key from my pocket. After some fumbling, I finally got it. I clumsily tried to fit it in the lock and sighed in relieve when I heard the familiar click of my door unlocking.

I pushed open the door and walked into my shared appartement. Unfortunately for me, my body decided this was the perfect moment to malfunction and I tripped over my own feet, causing me to land onto the floor face first.

"Sophie?" I heard a soft voice call my name.

I groaned in response. I heard the sounds of footsteps approaching and I closed my eyes. Oh no. I had to get up. He couldn't see me like this. He can't. I started to lift my upper body up, my arms shaking under my weight. My vision turned blurry. All I could see was a vague red spot on the place where I just laid my head. Was I really bleeding that much?

"Sophie!" A worried voice called out.

Two strong arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. I had to lean onto him heavily, I seemed to have lost all my strength.

"Sophie, Sophie!" He continued, "What happened? Are you okay? You're bleeding all over! Don't tell me it was..."

I looked up at Taeyongs worried face. "I'm sorry. I tried to fight them but I'm too weak." For the past few years, I have been fighting for animal rights in the city where I live. Many people agree with what I do but some don't. Since a few weeks, I've been followed by some of them. At first they just tried to change my mind by talking to me, they yelled slurs at my head and later they also started throwing stuff. A few days ago they waited for me outside of our appartement and they threw rotten eggs at me. But today, they were different. They waited for me in an alley near my work. They were in a group, it was unfair. This time I couldn't escape. They were more violent, more angry than usual. I close my eyes as I try to hold back my tears.

Taeyong didn't say anything.

Was he mad at me? He probably was. I acted stupidly. I shouldn't have gone outside alone. I shouldn't have walked through that alley.

"Are yo- Are you mad at me?" I asked softly, preparing for his outburst.

I opened my eyes to look at his face. He slowly shook his head, but still didn't say anything. I tried to decipher his expression but his eyes were vacant. His jaw looked clenched as his eyes scanned my face.

"Taeyong" I softly whispered, my voice shaking slightly.

The emotionless statue in front of me slowly came to life as he took me in his arms and lifted me up. He walked towards the kitchen and sat me down on one of the chairs as he started looking for an emergency kit.

My eyes followed him as he rummaged through the kitched cabinets until he finally found what he was looking for. He came back to me with in his left hand a sesamestreet cookie tin which was our improvised first aid kit. In his other hand he held a bucket of lukewarm water and a handkerchief.

He carefully brushed my hair out of my face so he could get a clear look at my wounds. His thumb softly brushes away  the few salty tears left on my cheeks. His fingers move to my chin, cautiously tilting my face so he can examine it. His eyes slowly shift from my face to my eyes and I gulp as I look at his expressionless features.

"Sophie," He quietly asks, his voice filled with tension and barely restrained anger, "who did this to you?"

"I-." I stumble over my words. I've never seen him like this. With a lot of stuttering I start to explain what happened and what the guys looked like. Meanwhile, Taeyong starts cleaning my face. Unlike his cold voice, his actions are warm. He listens quietly to my story as he carefully cleans my face, trying his best not to hurt me.
As he puts iodine ointment on the smaller scratches, I flinch in pain.

"Sorry" He mumbles. His expression seems to soften a little bit, though the tension is still visible on his face. He puts my hands on his waist. "Just squeeze me if it hurts, okay?"

"But that will hurt you." I protest.

A smile breaks through his clouded face. "A little pinching never killed nobody."

He puts a little bit of the ointment on his index finger and softly dabs it onto the wound. I squeeze my eyes shut and my fingers dig into Taeyongs sweatshirt.

"Done.'" Taeyong says. I open my eyes and sigh in relieve. Taeyong gets up and  throws away the darkly red coloured water. He starts to clean the bucket.

"Talk to me." Taeyong says in a quiet but firm voice.


"Just...about anything."

"Why?" I ask in confusement. Usually, we weren't the type of couple who had to talk 24/7. We often just sat by eachothers sides for hours without saying anything.

He puts down the bucket and sighs as he throws back his head and closes his eyes.
"I'm so close to just leaving you here and go look for those guys who did this to you and make them pay." He pushed back his hair in frustration.

"Taeyong, don't. They're just attention seekers. Besides we shouldn't lower ourselves to their level." I say.

Taeyong sighs again. " I know." He sits down on the floor against the wall. A pained expression appears on his face.

"You don't know...what I went through.. when I saw you there, laying on the floor, covered in blood. I thought you were dead." And finally he looks me in the eyes, like really in the eyes. His boba eyes are shimmering with tears and I can't help but stumble up from my chair and limp towards him, diving into his arms.

"Oh, Taeyong!" I blurt out. He pulls me tighter against him, his head resting on mine. Suddenly, the shock finally hits the both of us. I feel his tears fall onto the top of my head as mine slowly start to soak his sweater.

"I would never leave you like that, understand? We'll live this live together and the next one too and the next one too and the next one too." I assure him.
Taeyong strokes my hair as he slowly rocks me back and forth.

"Promise?" He asks softly.

"Ofcourse!" I say, my tears mixing with a smile.

"Sophie." Taeyong softly calls my name. "Please take me with you from now on, okay? I want to be able to protect you. And tomorrow morning, we go to the police."

I softly nod and let out a yawn. I'm so tired. Turns out getting beaten up is pretty exhausting lmao ✌

"Time for bed" Taeyong says with a soft smile as he notices my yawn. He seems to have calmed down a bit. When I look into his eyes, I see the Taeyong I know. Though something seems to have changed. His eyes do seem a bit...more open than usual. They were always sweet and kind and open but now it's like I can look straight into his soul. The happenings of tonight touched him deep down and shook him up. I feel sorry for making him feel that way, even though I know it isn't really my fault.

I softly cup his cheek with my hand as I stare into his shimmery eyes.
"Thank you, for being in my life." I say and I mean every word. He means so much to me, more than he could ever know, more than even I know. I don't know where I would be without him. I can't believe how lucky I am to be alive in the same time as him. He's my most precious friend and my one and only love. The only man ever, honestly.

Taeyong answers my confession with the smile I love most in the entire world.
"I'm more grateful, believe me."

And as if on cue, as if this was an action rom-com, as if this was a historic costume drama, he delicately lifts my chin to connect our lips so we can finally convey what words couldn't say.


Thank you for reading.


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