Yuta • Sweet

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Synopsis: the space between boy and friend is very small. Sometimes all you need is a little bridge to cross over. A piece of pocky, perhaps?

"Could we cuddle, like, platonically?"

Your eyes shifted from the tv to your one and only best friend.

"What?" You asked, one eyebrow raised.

"You know like, just-" he sighed "ugh nevermind"

"If you're in love with me, you can just say it Mr Nakamoto." You said teasingly while turning your attention on the tv again.

"Me, in love with you? Ew, never" He scoffed as he crossed his legs and threw a dorito chip into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes at him. You were used to his sarcastic remarks, they didn't faze you anymore.

"Thank god, otherwise I'd have to share these with you." You said and you pulled out a small box of pocky out of your bag.

Yuta's eyes went to your hands and widened when he saw the snack. You carefully opened the box and started eating them away happily. After a while you noticed he was eyeing you down so you turned towards him with an innocent look on you face.

"You want one?"

He nodded, a friendly smile on his face.
"Apologise first then." You said, crossing your arms.

"For what?" He asked obliviously.
"Saying being in love with me is "ew" " you made quotations in the air.
He leaned back and crossed his arms. "They hated Jesus for telling the truth"

"HEY!" you yelled out as you slapped his arm.
Yuta's deep laugh echoed through the room, causing you to slap him another time.

"Ouch! This is child abuse!" He exclaimed, causing you to cracks a smile.

"Shut up, you're 25!" You said in between laughing.

"Doesn't matter. Now can I have my pocky please?" Yuta said with a cheeky smile.

"You still haven't apologised!"

Yuta rolled his eyes. "Fine." He grabbed both of your hands and pulled you closer towards him, causing you to hold your breath. "Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean what I said. You know I just like to joke around and sometimes I forget not everyone has such amazing humor as me- OUCH!"

You had slapped him again.

"Anyways, as I was saying before you turned into violent mons- hey don't hit me again!"

He started tickling you in an attempt to defend himself against your merciless beating, causing you to erupt in laughter.

In the chaos of his tickle attack you didn't notice he had succesfully stolen your pocky. As you finally caught your breath, you saw him putting the last piece of pocky in between his lips.

"No!!" You yelled out as you dived onto him, in an attempt to save your last, precious piece of pocky.

You landed softly onto the chest of a very confused and slightly flustered Yuta.

His eyes widened slightly as you just stared at him, suddenly aware of the position you were in. Neither of you dared to move.

"I guess you might have to share it with me after all." Yuta softly mumbled.
You slowly shortened the distance, your mouth approaching the other side of the pocky as Yuta's gaze shifted towards your lips. Before you took the pocky in between them, you looked up at him one more time. Yuta sighed and closed his eyes.

"This is stupid." He said.

Your heart dropped. What? You had no idea what this whole situation was, let alone what you felt for him but this hurted. It was understandable if he didn't want to eat the pocky with you, after all you were just friends but to lead you on like this only to reject you? That was just harsh.

He took the pocky out of his mouth and threw it on the table.

You began to get off of him but he quickly pulled you back by wrapping his arm around your waist.

He softly brushed your cheek with his other hand, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Let's do this properly." He said as he shifted his hand to the back of your head and pulled you in for a kiss.

Your lips met his and at that moment a thousand butterflies exploded in your stomach. Despite his usual rough behaviour, his kiss was sweet and soft. Within a few kisses you had already developed an addiction for his taste.

And that's how the poor last piece of pocky was completely forgotten.


RIP Pocky.


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