Jaehyun • Kiss Kiss

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Synopsis: when y/n officially joins college she didn't expect to fall in love right at the start, nevermind with her teacher.

Enjoy my loves ;)


You sighed as you let your bag slip off your shoulders. You bend down and rummaged around in the side pocket until you finally found what you were looking for. You opened the can of ice tea, it made a "pshht" noise as you did. When you brought the can to your mouth and the luke warm ice tea ran down your dry throat, you suddenly realised how thirsty you were. It didn't take you much longer than 10 seconds to finish the entire can.

You wiped your mouth, throwing the can in your improvised trashcan (an old flower pot) and suppressing a burp.

You stretched your arms to the ceiling. The car ride over here took almost 4 hours, way too long. It was a whole task to move all your stuff from home to your college dorm.

You walked to the windows, throwing them open to let some fresh air in. Right in front of your window was a small meadow and opposing your room was another row of rooms.

You quickly looked up.

Great, no curtains.

Goodbye privacy.

You decided to immediately order some online tomorrow. But not today. You've had done more than enough already.

You still had a lot of unpacking to do, but that too would have to wait.

You opened your phone, replying to some friends who wanted pictures of you new room and you ignored the message from your mom, telling you to have lots of fun and remember to use a  condom.

Like you needed that advice. It was not like you were a boys magnet or anything. The last time you had some sort of romantic interaction was in 9th grade when you held hands with a guy friend. Yeah, you didn't get a lot of action. Probably cuz you were quite shy most of the time, and when you had a crush on someone, that shyness quickly turned into a kind of awkwardness a penguin with giraffe legs would have.

You walked towards your gigantic bag, containing most of your clothes and more importantly, the book you were currently reading. You quickly took it out and sat down onto the windowsill, enjoying the cool summer breeze.

The sun started to set and before you knew it you had to grab a flashlight to be able to make out the words on the pages. Unaware of how much time was passing, you kept reading your book, deeply immersed into the story.

Just as you flipped another page, a loud bang sounded from the room opposimg yours.

"Alright, see you on Monday!" A fruity male voice spoke. You heard the jingling of the keys as the guy locked his door and threw something on the floor.

You heard footsteps approaching and soon a brown haired guy appeared into your sight. He struggled with the window for a moment before throwing it open. As he pushed against the window to open it further, his eyes met yours.

Your heartbeat fastened, not sure whether it was because you were hella anxious or because he was hella attractive. Either way, you could feel it beating against your chest.

"Uh..hi?" The guy said, a blank expression on his face.

"Hey." You said with a soft smile, lifting your hand awkwardly to wave at him. What you didn't realise, was that that was the hand which was holding your book. But now you weren't holding it anymore, causing it to fall down onto the ground, several metres away from you window.

"Oh sh-"

"I'll get it." The guy said as he skillfully hopped over his windowsill, picking up your book and walking over to where you were sitting with a slightly flustered expression.

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