Haechan • Save Me, Darling

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Synopsis: its the late 1800s. You're on a sinking ship and trying to escape without the sailors finding out you were on the ship. Girls aren't allowed to be on a ship with a male crew, they say it brings bad luck. If they find you, they'll surely kill you. On your way out, you meet a certain young man who annoys yet interests you very much.



You ran your hand through your short hair while you tried your hardest not to panic. You had to get up on deck without the crew noticing you. How though? First you sneaked around for a while, making sure no one was still down here with you. Luckily, you couldn't find anyone.

You quickly walked up the stairs and listened if you heard anyone.

You could hear the rough voices of sailors and the captain screaming at each other, but it sounded like they came from far away. You decided to carefully open the hatch and peeked through the crack. You didn't see anyone.

Slowly, trying to make the least noise possible, you opened the hatch further so you could crawl on deck. Just in time, because you could hear the water below you getting higher and higher.

You didn't see anyone on deck so you decided to try and look for the lifeboats.

Besides one (which had a hole in it) they were all gone.

You sighed. Maybe you could find a big piece of wood and use it as a raft and pray someone would come and save you.

Though the odds of you surviving long enough for that to happen were fairly slim.

Angry and frustrated, you kicked against a big wine barrel.


Great, now you probably broke your toe as well.

Can this day get any worse??

'What a waste of energy.' a male voice spoke from somewhere behind you.

Quickly you turned around, ready to drop kick any sailor who dared to come near you.

Your hands fell down next to your sides when you noticed the voice came from a young man with golden skin and heavy black eyeliner, who was tied up against a mast.

'Why don't you use your karate moves on this rope over here instead, pretty lady' he continued, sending you a  sneaky smirk.

''Tsk. Okay first of all, I'm no lady, I'm a dude dumbass. Second of all, why should I help you? I'm already having enough trouble saving myself" you scoffed.

The golden skinned boy laughed.

'C'mon, even a duck with no eyes could see you're a girl. But it's alright, I don't judge. It doesn't matter to me whether you're a girl or a boy, as long as you have a good pair of sealegs. Now save me, darling.'

You frowned.

'Okay, fine, I'm a girl. But I still don't see any reason to help you.'

He nodded. 'I already thought you would say that.'

You sighed as you walked over to him. He might be a dick, but a dick for company was better that no one at all. You sat down opposite him, but still out of reach.

'So...' you started. 'While we're preparing ourselves for our inevitable deaths, why don't you tell me how you got here? Tell me your story. Make sure it's a good one, because I might reconsider not saving you if you're interesting enough.'

The golden boy nodded and started thinking.

''Well...''He began, ''Long story short, I needed something that was on this ship, but I got captured while trying to find it.''

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