Jaemin • Yeah We Will

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Inspired by the similarly named tiktok challenge

There's really no need for a synopsis unless you're from the future and don't know what a tiktok challenge is, in that case, lucky you! No worries you can read this story even without knowing what a "tiktok" is. Though I do hope you have atleast heard of Ke$ha's hit song TikTok as that song is simply an iconic, timeless bop. Hope you enjoy the story!

You threw a can of sprite towards your blue haired best friend, plopping down onto the couch next to him.

He almost let the can slip out of his hands, causing you to let out a chuckle.

"Quit laughing, shawty, or I might just accidently drop some of that sprite on your new sweater." Jaemin said warningly as he opened his can.

You rolled your eyes at him. Jaemin and his threats. You pulled your feet underneath you, making it yourself comfortable.

"Watcha wanna do?" You looked up at him. "Play GTA?"

Jaemin shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not really in the mood for anything right now." 

You nodded understandingly. Often when you two hung out together, you would do fun things, go to interesting places and party a little. But sometimes, you two just sat in silence, enjoying eachothers company without having to say too much. Social interaction could be so tiring sometimes, so it was nice to have a friend with whom you could relax without having to feel lonely.

"Okay, sure."

You whipped out your phone, opening Instagram. From the corner of your eye you could see Jaemin had taken out his phone as well. He seemed to be reading some kind of article.

After commenting on your friends new insta pictures, you closed the app and started scrolling on tiktok instead.

There were a lot of funny videos on your fyp today, making you softly laugh out loud once every few videos.

Sometimes you remembered the sounds and bursted out in random singing or talking, depending on what sound it was.

Whenever you looked at Jaemin to make sure he wasn't annoyed by you or anything, he seemed deeply lost in his article or whatever, only looking up if you stared at him for a few seconds, giving you a assuring smile.

It wasn't long before you came across one of your favourite videos, immediately saying the lines out loud without thinking about it.

"Two best friends in a room." You happily chimed along with the video.

"They might kiss~" Jaemin continued, not even looking up from his screen.

You chuckled at him. "You know this tiktok?"

He raised one eyebrow, eyes still plastered onto his phone. "Who doesn't?"

"Fair enough." You shrugged, turning your attention on your phone again.

Jaemins eyes finally drifted up towards your face, a soft smirk playing on his lips.

He carefully put his phone away, shifting himself closer towards you. He leaned in, pretending to take a glimpse at your phone.

You thought he was watching along with you so you slightly turned the screen so it was easier for him to see.

Jaemin suddenly made an agreeing sound, a soft hum which turned your insides into jelly pudding.

"Yes, they will." He said casually, eyes still on your phone.

You furrowed your brows. At first you thought he was talking about the video you were currently watching, despite the fact it didn't make sense at all context wise.

"What?" You mumbled, completely clueless

"Yes, we will." He repeated, now turning his face towards you.

You gulped at the close proximity. You were used to Jaemin always being in your personal space, his love language being physical touch but you definitely didn't remember it to be this intense.

"What do y- what are you talking about, Jaemin?" You had a hard time putting words together. The scent of his perfume was making it hard for you to focus.

Before you knew it, his hand had somehow found its way to your chin, holding it chently between two fingers as he leant in.

"Two best friends, they might kiss." He repeated softly, his breath fanning your face making you lean in.

"Yes, we will." You replied, a cheeky smirk appearing on your face.

"Confident, I see. Figured you had a thing for me all along." He mumbled lowly, his lips so close to touching yours it drove you mad.

"Look who's talking." You managed to blurt out. You were honestly impressed with the fact you were able to think of any words at all.

His low chuckle sent butterflies to your stomache, butterflies which turned into a flock of doves at the moment his lips collided with yours.

His lips devoured yours, hungry, like he wanted to kiss you for a very long time. A bit startled you froze, making him slow down, making the kiss more tender.

His hand cupped your waist, pulling you against him as he gently kissed you.  Finally you found the courage to kiss him back, encouraging him to keep going. You pressed your hands onto his chest, making him smirk into the kiss.

Impatient and annoyed at the space which was still between you, he lifted up your leg, pulling you onto his lap.

He pressed one last lingering kiss onto your lips, before pressing a smaller one onto your flushed cheek.

He pulled back, taking a satisfied glance at your flustered state.

"What- ehhh." You stammered. "Wow."

"Thank you." He smirked confidently, causing you to finally find back your sass, giving him one of your most dramatic eyerolls.

"That was....interesting." You finally manage to say

He took another glimpse at your lips before suddenly making eyecontact, a curious look in his eyes.

"I think I'll have to agree on that." He softly mumbled, leaning in to connect your lips again.


Thank you for reading!


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