Lucas • Angel

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Synopsis: Fantasy mystery in which you are locked up in a strange prison together with your angelic soulmate

Tw:Mentioning of death and light violence. Not too happy but won't give you depression either.

It's dark

Very dark

Your Body feels heavier than you've ever felt before.

It's like a huge weight is pressing down on your entire body.

You try to open your eyes but it costs too much energy.

A silent tear escapes from your eyes.

You hear a twinkling sound when it hits the hard surface you're laying upon.

You miss the lights of heaven

You miss flying through the air

You miss staring down at earth and conversing with the other angels.

What had you done to deserve this ?

You tried your hardest to remember but everything was a blur.

Suddenly you feel a cold wind blowing past you which causes you to shiver.

It's like you're getting a tiny bit of your energy back.

Slowly you open your eyes, only to see a lot of darkness. Far away in the distance you can see a bright white light.

It reminds you of your home.

Very carefully you try to sit up and you notice your upper body is strangely light weighted.

Hesitantly you try to reach your back. You gasp as you feel nothing but a big scar.

Your wings.

They were gone.

"They took our wings away" a deep, hoarse male voice says.

You look around, trying to find out where the voice is coming from.

"I'm up here", the male voice says.

Quickly you look up, and somewhere to the right you see a handsome young man with silver hair, standing on a big black platform which seem to be floating in the air. He's only wearing a black jeans. You can see his muscles move when he bends down to take a better look at you. You see a handcuff dangling from his right wrist.

Your eyes widen.

"Lucas ? Is that you ?"

Lucas stares at you, he can't believe his eyes.

"Y/N ? How did you end up down here ? Oh god..."

He notices the tears on your face.

It makes him feel even sadder.

"Oh Lucas, I'm scared ! Where are we ? What happened to our wings ?"

He looks down as he thinks about his answer.

"I don't know, Y/N. All I know is we did something we shouldn't have done. And they punished us for that."

You started crying even louder.

"Look at us", you started. " We aren't even allowed to be together. You're unreachable from here"

Lucas tried his best to keep himself calm, he didn't want you to see him cry, especially because he knew you needed him to be strong now. If you couldn't be strong, he needed to be strong for the both of you.

"Listen Y/N, we're gonna get out of here. I'm not sure how or when but we will. I promise you."

You wiped your tears and sniffed.
"You promise ?"

He nodded.

"Y/N, even tho we can't be together, even though I can't hold you now and wipe your tears, I want you to know that I'm still here for you. I'm not going anywhere okay ? It is my duty to protect you, at any cost. "

You nodded, you were too tired to speak.

A silence fell.



"Maybe, If you stand close to the edge, and I hang on the edge of the platform, I can get you up here."

You doubted it, but you thought you could at least try.

So you walked to the edge and Lucas slowly leaned back until he was hanging on the edge of the platform. You still couldn't believe how incredibly strong he was, even though you saw his strength many times.

"Come on, reach out and grab my hand Y/N! "

You stood on your tippy toes and reached out. You could feel your fingertips lightly brush against his, but that was all you could reach.

"This isn't gonna work" you sighed.

But Lucas looked at you with hopeful eyes.

"C'mon, please, let's try it again"

You again reached as high as possible, and now you could almost grab his whole hand.

For the first time A slight smile started to form on Lucas lips. The smile you loved more than anything else. But it was only a weak shatter of what it usually was.

"Lucas, if you're gonna hang any lower or if I jump, you surely won't be able to hold me, especially because you now don't have your wings anymore to help you carry the weight." You told him.

"I know" He nodded. "But what is there to lose ? If I can hold you, we can be together on this platform. If I can't, we fall down together and we will break all our bones.

We won't die, we're immortal after all. It will hurt a lot but it Hurts less than having to stay apart."

You agreed. He was speaking the truth. It truly was your best option right now to just jump and try.

"Okay, ready ?" You asked.

"Yes!" Lucas yelled.





You jumped and reached out for Lucas' hand. You grabbed it and you could feel your fingers entertwine. Just as you were about to feel relieved, you felt that you were falling down, together with Lucas.

Oh no, you thought.

In your fall, Lucas wrapped his arms around you and twisted his body so he was the one who would hit the ground first. Your eyes widened and you try to turn him back around but you already landed.

On another platform.

Which was covered in white feathers.

"Lucas !!Lucas!! Oh my god, are you okay ?? I'm so sorry!" You started sobbing.

Lucas groaned and looked up at you with a slight smirk

"I'm alright" He softly said. "At least I'm together with you now"

"Oh my god, if you weren't wounded already I would punch you so hard now !"

He chuckled softly
"I'm glad to see you still have some of that fighting spirit in you. Also don't worry too much about me. I think I only broke a few ribs"


He giggled as an answer.

"Oh my Lord Lucas this is not a time to giggle!"

Suddenly his face became serious again.
"I know. I'm sorry. It's just, this whole situation is so crazy"

You agreed with him.

"At least, we've got each other now."

You pulled him into a gentle hug, careful to not hurt him.

He softly placed a kiss on your collarbone.

"We're gonna get though this Y/N"


Will I ever get over awaken the world Lucas? No.


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