Jaehyun • Deceived

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Synopsis: when you meet a fallen lover, chances are  they'll bring you down with them.

Tw/spoiler: you die in this story.


The sun was setting as you rowed your boat across the calm sea. It was already late. Your calculations went wrong. You were supposed to arrive at Crystal Bay hours ago, but there was still no land in sight.

You put down your rowing paddles and took out your map and compass again. It was supposed to be somewhere in the East but you couldn't see anything that even looked like anything other than sea. Not even a ship, not even a rock. You were utterly alone.

Or that's what you thought.

Until you heard a splashing noise from the distance.

A fish!

Your head shot up and you took your gun out of your waistband. You were feeling quite hungry and you definitely wouldn't say no to some salty fish right now. You bowed over the edge of the boat, your eyes scanning the water in the hopes to spot some sort of edible sea creature.

You waited patiently, your body as still as an iron block. Your eyes narrowed as you spotted a salmon, immediately shooting it. As quick as you could you reached out to grab it out of the water, but unfortunately it slipped right through your fingers.

Shoot, wasted ammo for nothing.

Just as you wanted to try again, you heard a soft, vibrating tone from behind you.

You froze. You knew that voice.

The voice sang a indistinguishable tune again. It sounded warm and deep, like well aged wine.

You couldn't move as you listened to the  voice. A voice you thought you'd never hear again. Without you noticing, a lonely tear streamed down your face.

The voice continued singing, the strange words changing into something you could understand. It was like the voice was coming closer.

"You came and you changed my world"

That voice. You hadn't heard it in so many years. But it couldn't be. It couldn't be his voice. Because...

You choked on your tears.

"More precious than any pearl"

You couldn't stand it any longer. You had to turn around. You gasped as you saw his face and crawled towards the edge of the boat.

"Jaehyun." You blurted out through your sobs.

He lightly swam towards you, his honey like voice bewitching you in every possible way.

You hadn't seen him in such a long time.

"Come with me." He whispered in his delightful voice. He stretched out his beautiful hand, water dripping off of it onto the water.

Without hesitation you laid your hand in his and leaned closer to him.

"Jaehyun. I thought.... I thought... they told me you...that you..." You sniffed. "They told me you didn't make it. But I didn't believe them. I couldn't. So I went to look for you  and.... I can't believe I found you." You smiled through your tears as you cupped his face, softly caressing it.

"I waited for you." He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. "For so long."

"Now we can finally be together." You sobbed.

"We can." He softly hummed, as he put your hair behind your ear. He gently caressed it, making you feel at ease as he continued to hum inside your ear.

"I'll wait for the day when you have to say "I do" and I'll smile and say it too."

He placed a soft kiss on your lips as he gently dragged you into the water.

And that's when you realised.

That this, was not Jaehyun.

You were engaged to be married. He had already asked for your hand. You've already told him "I do".

You opened your eyes in fear for the creature in front of you and when you both feel down into the water, he changed into a voul monster. His singing changed into screeching as his long teeth drove deeply into your heart.

Your last breath escaped your mouth in a stream of bubbles as you saw the last sun rays dissapear. How ironic that the end of the day was at the same time as the end of your life.

But you were at peace. There are waters the living cannot go. And maybe you'd finally find him at the oceans you were soon about to sail.


I'm gonna be real evil and say you can consider this a sequel to "Promise", a oneshot I wrote a while back.


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