Jisung • My Baby Chick

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Synopsis: during a sleepover with your crush you discover he just might feel the same way about you.

You sighed as you stepped out of the shower. Today was a very tough day at school and you were so happy to finally be home. You couldn't wait to go to sleep and drift off to dream land. You were busy drying your hair when your phone buzzed. You put down the towel, quickly unlocking your phone and your heart jumped up when you saw you recieved a message from Jisung, your neighbour, best friend and also your longtime crush.

You sat down on the bathroom floor with your back against the bathtub and opened the message.


yo y/n, you won't believe what I just saw !


lmao what did you see ?


A pigeon !! On the balcony !! It was so close, I couldn't believe my eyes !

You couldn't help but giggle softly at Jisungs cute, childlike enthusiasm. Usually people wouldn't like it if pigeons pooped all over their balcony but not Jisung, he welcomed the pigeon with open arms.


oMG haha


Should I feed it ? I'm gonna try and find some seeds for it online ^^ Birds like seeds, right ?


I think they do ^^


Wanna come over and see it ? It's really cute !

You looked down at your pink bunny pajama's.


Uhmm, I'm kind off in my pj's rn so.....


That's okay ^^ 

Oh, maybe we can do a sleepover ? Like the old times ^^

 Wouldn't that be so much fun hehehe


Aren't we a bit too old for that ? >//>


Why? You can never be too old for a sleepover lol


If you say so....

Okay !!

See you in like, 3 minutes !



You quickly got up from the floor and got yourself a toothbrush and some other hygiene products. A sleepover... with Jisung ! It had been ages since your last sleepover. Back then you both still lived with your parents. You wondered if it will be different this time. After gathering all your things you put on some slippers and left your appartment. At times like these you were so grateful Jisung lived right nextdoor.

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