Jeno • Don't Touch Me

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Synopsis: When your mom sends you to a therapy group you meet a boy who actually listens to you. Very soon he discovers your little secret but instead of clowning you for it, he decides to help you.

Tw: a wee bit cringe, mild haphephobia/fear of intimacy

The bell rings and you start putting your books in your locker

"Good luck!" Your friend Sana whispers to you before walking away to her next class

You sigh. Today you had to go to your school therapy club for stressed out students.

The past few months were really tough for you.

Your father passed away, you got kicked out of your local dance group, your best friend moved to a different country and besides that you were behind on a huge part of your schoolwork.

That's why your mom decided to put you in group therapy. To be more specific, the school's free therapy group for anti-social, anxious and overworked teens.

You really didn't want to go.

But you promised your mom you would go and so you did.

You walked into the classroom and saw all the seats were standing in a circle in the middle of the room. You sat down on one of the chairs and waited.

A lady with typical elementary school vibes approached you and introduced herself as Mrs. Tilney. You had a small conversation with her until another student walked in and she turned away from you.

You sighed. This was gonna be awful.

"Okay everyone, sit down !" Mrs Tilney said.

Everyone sat down but there was always atleast one empty seat between every two people. Everyone was super awkward.

"Listen carefully, my dear children. In this class I want you to relax and be yourself. This is a shame free zone"

Pft. Yeah right. You knew as soon as this session was over, they would all be gossiping about each other to their friends.

"I want you to participate in the activities as well as you possibly can. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, you can always tell me, okay ?" Mrs Tilney said, while smiling.

And face the judgement of the whole class? No thanks.

"I want y-"

Someone knocked loudly on the door.

We all stared at it while the doorknob slowly turned and a guy walked in.

"Sorry I'm late" He mumbled, his eyes on the floor.

Mrs Tilney smiled brightly at him "That's okay Jeno! We're all glad you're here now"

We? I don't even know him, why should I be glad?

Jeno flashed Mrs Tilney a quick smile and then let his eyes slid around the circle, trying to decide where he would sit down.

And then his eyes stopped at you.

It was only a brief moment but it caught you off guard.

You blinked and you saw him walking to the seat next to you.

Subconsciously you moved away from him.

He sat down, a wave of his cologne hitting you. It wasn't too heavy, thankfully. It smelled like lemon and mint.

"Alright! Mrs Tilney said "let's get to know each other ! Before I'm going to let you all introduce yourself, I want you to feel comfortable with eachother. So please hold the hand of the person who's the nearest to you."

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