Taeyong • My Angel

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Synopsis: there are two reasons why one would want to work at an office: 1, for the aesthetic. 2, to experience an office romance. And this romance might get a little more heated than expected...

You gently knocked on the warm brown wooden door before carefully opening it.

"Sir, your meeting starts in 15 minutes." You said as you looked at the young man slumped over his computer.

"Oh, thank you Miss Li." Taeyong said softly as he rubbed his tired eyes which were sore from staring at the screen for hours.

"I brought you a coffee, sir." You smiled. "Thought you might need one." You closed the door behind you and walked towards his desk, putting the fresh coffee down on it.

"You're an angel, truly." He looked up at you with a grateful smile, causing your heart to jump up. It made you happy to see him happy. He was always overworking himself, despite you always telling him to rest more. You saw he simply was too stubborn to listen to you, so you decided it was better to help him instead, to give him strength so he could keep on going.

You watched intently as he took a sip from the coffee, softly humming in approval as he tasted it.

"Perfect." Taeyong softly said as he looked up at you, causing a slight blush to creep up your face.

You let out an akward cough in an attempt to shake of your flusterdness.

"You should probably go now, or you'll be late."

He nodded as he got up and grabbed his jacket which was hanging over the back of his chair.

"You're right. Thanks for the coffee, Angel." He send you one last beaming smile before he made his way to the door.

"Wait!" You said, causing Taeyong to freeze in his spot, one hand on the doorknob.

"Let me fix your tie ! It's crooked." You said as you hurried towards him, your heels clicking on the floor.

Despite your tall shoes, you still were shorter by a head. This did give you the perfect view on his tie, which was useful for situations like this.

Taeyong turned his body towards you and you carefully took his tie between your fingers, letting it slip through them as you fixed it. Your fingers slid up towards his collar, making sure everything was looking perfect.

As you did your job, you allowed yourself to steal a glance at his handsome face. However, your fingers froze when you noticed he was already looking at you.

His deep brown eyes gentle looked into yours, causing your breath to hitch in your throat.

Taeyong gulped as he slowly brought up his hand, cupping your cheek and gently stroking it with his thumb.

"Allow me to slip up a little today." He mumbled as his gaze twitched to your lips for a second.

"Taeyong..." You replied dissaprovingly. "We're at work. What if someone sees us? They'll fire me for sure."

"But I'm the CEO. I'm the one who decides who gets fired or not." He continued, a slight pout appearing on his lips.

"But people will talk... and I don't want them to think I'm some type of gold digger or something, or a woman who doesn't take her job seriously." You replied

"They won't think that. And even if they do, who cares? They're not important anyways." Taeyong said, gently brushing your hair behind your ear.

You did always say you were an advocate for not giving a shit about what other people think about you. Damn, this man really always knew to get his way.

"Fine. But make it quick, don't want you to miss that meeting." You said casually, pretending like you didn't care. Truth was, you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.

"Who cares about that meeting. Besides, they can't start until I've arrived." He shrugged. You rolled your eyes at his carelessness.

"Now," He said as he leaned down a little, softly gripping your chin between his fingers, causing your heart to race inside your chest,"let me love you, my angel"

His breath softly hit your lips, blending with your own before he dipped in and gently locked his lips with yours. Your lips rhythmically collided with his as your hands found its way to the back of his head where they tugged at his blond dyed hair. His kisses started soft but became more passionate overtime. What once was an innocent kiss, started to develop in a heated make out session. His right hand traveled from your neck to your hip, where it remained as he slipped his hand under your top ever so slightly so his fingers grazed your bare skin, sending shivers down your spine.

You pressed your body closer towards him, causing him to softly moan against your lips. You took this opportunity to slide in your tongue, and the kiss became wetter. You stumbled back towards the wall for support as your legs started to tremble a bit. He protectively wrapped one arm around your back, holding you up against him as he disconnected your lips just so he could leave a trail of wet kisses down your neck to your collarbone.

"I love you." He whispered against your skin, before adoring it with another kiss.

"I know. " You smiled. "I love you too, Taeyong. More than anything."  You softly ran your fingers through his hair, trying to make it neat after messing it up during your lil make out session and also to sooth him.

He lifted his head up, his eyes meeting yours once again, those eyes that held your entire world. He lovingly gazed at you and in that moment you couldn't care less about if someone walked in and saw you, all you cared about was him. The man in front of you. The man you love most. The only man you've ever dared to call yours. Lee Taeyong.

You were the one to lean in this time, lightly brushing your lips against his. It was light like a feather, and Taeyong could barely feel it. Yet he felt that kiss tug at his heart like no other ever did, because it felt so pure, so honest and gentle.

"You really are an angel, aren't you?" He said with a tiny smile as he looked down at you with twinkling eyes.

You softly giggled, a hint of a blush appearing on your cheeks.

"I probably should go now." Taeyong sighed. He looked at his shoes before suddenly leaning in.

"Don't fly away, my angel. Please be there when I come back." He softly hummed in your ear, causing you to almost close your eyes at how pleasant his voice was.

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere." You assured him as you gently cupped his cheek.

He smiled down at you, leaning in to give you one last kiss on your cheek.

"Good luck with your meeting!" You said before waving him goodbye.

Taeyong send you a smile and waved back at you before closing the door behind him, leaving you alone in his room.

Oh god, I totally forgot to fix his tie again!

You mentally facepalmed as you imagined the faces of your coworkers.



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