WinWin • Only You

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Synopsis: when you come over to your friends house to party it up you find out your boyfriend may be a bit more sensitive than you thought...Will you two be able to sort things out?

warning: tooth-rottening fluff

You and your boyfriend Sicheng have been together for about 3 weeks now and this whole relationship thing is still very new to the both of you.

You haven't kissed or cuddled or anything like that yet and you can't wait for it to happen.

But you're a bit hesitant to make the first move because you know Sicheng doesn't like to be touched an you don't want to pressure him into doing anything.

So you just wait for the day when he is ready, hoping that day will actually come.

You ring the doorbell and Kun opens the door.

"Hey Y/N! You're late! We were afraid you weren't going to come anymore." He says with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Sorryy~~" You giggle as you quickly slide past him into the appartement. "It was really crowded at the convenience store. I brought snacks" You hold up a white plastic bag filled with WayV's favourite snacks.

"Y/N, You are amazing !" Lucas yells while running at you and hugging you tightly.

You laugh and pat his shoulder. As you finally manage to free yourself from Lucas bear grip you see Sicheng staring at you from across the room.

"Oh hi Sicheng! " You wave at him.

"Hi" He mumbles as he drops himself on the couch and takes out his phone, not giving you another look.

What's up with him?

Well, you would ask him later when you two were alone.

Hendery helps you stall the snacks out on the table and calls all the members.

Soon everyone was sitting around the wooden table filled with everyone's favourite snacks.

"WOOOOOOW y/n how did you know I like these ?" Ten asks surprised as he holds up a bag of caramel chips.

You shrug "I know everything, Ten.

"That's right, our y/n is very smart." Lucas giggles while winking at you

You give him a warm smile and silently thank him for playing along.

"Hey, Sicheng! Quit burning holes in Lucas' head, you're making it way too obvious" Ten jokingly scolds him.

"I wasn't burning holes in anyone." Sicheng answers with his laser eyes beaming towards Ten now.

Why is Sicheng in such a bad mood today? 

"Guys stop fighting" Kun says with his special mom voice.

Suddenly YangYang jumps up. "I have an idea! Let's play truth or dare! Everytime you win a round you can eat a snack. When you lose," YangYang can't think of a good punishment.

"YOU'LL DIE!" Xiaojun dramatically screams.

"Um, no." Kun shakes his head.

"How about the loser will have to clean everything up?" Hendery suggests.

Everyone agrees. Cleaning isn't that bad of a punishment....

...though we are talking about WayV's dorm now.

"Okay, Xiaojun you start! Truth or dare ?" Hendery asks excitedly.

"Truth!" Xiaojun answers with no hesitation.

WayV & NCT imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now