Haechan • Save Me, Darling Pt.2

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Thank you for your love and support on the first part, it was a pleasure to write another one :) I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


''Dammit, can you row any slower ?" You rolled your eyes.

Haechan sighed and threw the paddle onto your improvised raft.

''Uhm excuse me, it's not like you're doing anything either.''

You scoffed. ''Shouldn't you be thankful ? I didn't save you twice for you to be a flob.''

''Well if I had known you would act like this I would've stayed on that damn sinking ship! !' Haechan yelled at you.

''Why don't you just fuck off then!" you yelled back as you gave him a firm push, causing him to fall off the raft into the water. ''Have fun finding your way back to it!" You waved after him.

''Dshjfhsj-'' Haechan blurted out before disappearing under water.

You rolled your eyes at his dramatic behaviour and waited for him to break through the water surface again.

When you still didn't see him appearing after about 20 seconds, you got worried.

Why was it taking him so long?

Suddenly you froze.

He can't swim.


Shit in a bucket full of rum and drink it till your dumb.

Immediately you took of your jacket and jumped into the water. Thankfully the water was  clear and you could see your surroundings easily. Panicked you swam deeper into the ocean, through all kinds of seaweed and other water plants until you finally found Haechan's unconscious body.

Your heart filled with worry and regret. You didn't think this whole situation through and now you felt like the biggest idiot in the world. You took Haechan in your arms and swam to the surface as fast as you could. His body was heavy, signaling a lot of air had already left his longues.  After a lot of struggling you finally reached the surface,  gasping for breath. Your eyes scanned the area and you sighed in relief when you saw you weren't too far away from a small island. You tried to swim towards it as fast as possible. Thankfully the tide was on your side otherwise it would've been impossible to reach shore.

The last few meters were torture, your arms and legs burning from exhaustion. You dropped Haechan onto the wet sand and quickly ripped open his shirt, ready to perform CPR when Haechan suddenly started coughing like crazy. You hurriedly helped him sit up and repeatedly hit his back, trying to get out as much water as possible.

When Haechan finally seemed to stop coughing you immediately grabbed his face and began to brush off the sand that got on his cheeks but your own hands were covered in sand as well so you only made it worse. 

''I'm so so sorry Haechan ! I completely forgot you couldn't swim, it was so stupid of me to push you into the water. I'm the biggest dumbass on the planet.'' You sobbed

Haechan let himself fall back onto the sand with a heavy sigh.

''Can't believe you want to kiss me that bad" he mumbled, his eyes closed.

You stared at him in disbelieve.

''What did you just say?"

He looked at you through his lashes with a tired smirk on his face.

''Almost drowning me is a great excuse to perform cpr on me and therefore basically kissing me.''

Your jaw dropped. You seriously couldn't believe this guy. He almost died, at your hands, and now he was flirting again ??

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